Dangerous Waters

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Picture to the right is Adeline

I wrung my hands as Loki once again asked another pointless question, “How good are you with grooming your hair?” he asked with a mischievous look on his face. The man in front of us scratched the back of his head in befuddlement.

“I haven’t really any experience in that area but I am handy with a blade” he said with a smile. I glanced at Loki and just as soon as I saw he was about to open his mouth, I spoke, effectively cutting off any idiotic thing that was about to exit his mouth.

“So tell me why we would benefit having you as a crew member?” I said as I placed my hands under my chin and gazed at him over the surface of the high table.

The large man shifted from foot to foot, his black dirty boots making the floorboards of the old pub squeak under his relentless weight, “As I said before, I can stab things and whatnot and...er I’m also surely decent at starting fires.” he perked up.

Zintarrah lifted her head and from the table and cackled, “And how the bloody hell would that help when we’re on a ship surrounded by water?” she mocked. I nearly jumped at her outburst. Being around Castor was making her into the biggest silly mouth I had ever seen.

The man’s brows furrowed, “I swear I can be of use to the crew” he grumbled.

Loki jumped up out of his chair and stretched, “Well I’ve grown bored of this. You’ve got the job Pablo.” Loki said to the man nonchalantly before turning around. I sent him an apologetic look as I knew for certain that his name was Lashwin. Loki grabbed the nearly empty rum bottle he had been nursing and smashed it onto the table, the pieces of glass nearly cutting me.

“We board ship in an hour’s time! Be ready! AND IF NOT? WE’LL BE LEAVIN’ YA BLOODY BASTARDS HERE TO ROT!” he roared at the several men lounging around the pub having a pint in celebration that they had been chosen to be a part of the crew.

Loki then bowed before giving me and Zintarrah a nod and making his way towards the door to leave the pub, we followed close behind. The loud talking of the men resumed as soon as we were out the doors.

“What’s for dinner?” Zintarrah asked Loki. He rolled his eyes and swatted at her.

“Will you ask me that question every day until I am no longer damned by your presence siren?” he asked with a smile.

Zintarrah smiled back, “I absolutely adore the food you lot eat. Much easier to catch than what I used to dine on, I can tell ya that much.” Loki laughed at her cannibalism humor while I visibly shuddered. I hated blood.

Just as we sat in the small boat, Zintarrah stuck her head over the side of the boat and into the water. Loki gave me a look and rolled his eyes. I smiled and patted her back. Zintarrah wasn’t adjusting to being on land as well as Sara had. She could last maybe five hours before the feeling in her legs would start to go.

“So are your nerves out of sorts?” Loki asked as he rowed the boat, something he rarely ever did.

I scoffed, “For what? The voyage? I’m excited if anything. I can’t wait to be back on the sea doing something.” I said with a grin.

Loki nodded in agreement, “Imagine how I feel. I have to watch everyone slobber all over each other day in and day out. Positively disgusting!” he said with a mock look of horror.

I was just about to tell him to shut it when Zintarrah came up for air. She came up fast, her wet blonde hair whipping around and soaking through my white shirt. Loki glanced down at my shirt quickly before looking elsewhere, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

Dangerous WatersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang