"No, please, talk to me more. Tell me what you mean."

My mother lets out a long sigh. "Ok. The whole story?"

I nod as she pulls a chair closer to the bed.

"I was eighteen when I joined the Army, right out of high school. I wasn't very good at following rules and my grades were not the best. So, it was the only option I had if I wanted to be able to afford college. Though I never felt like I fit in at school, I excelled in the military and when my first two years were up, I was asked to join a brand new, top secret division call Dauntless. We started out really small, but grew fairly quickly. We only recruited the best-of-the-best from the Army, Navy and Air Force. I committed to four years and moved back to New York when my term was up. That's where I met your father. We fell in love, got married. Your brother was born almost a year later and then you arrived eleven months after him. Our little family was perfect for a while. A few weeks before your fifth birthday, I was contacted by the leader of Dauntless. The government wanted Dauntless to take over the War on Terror after the 9/11 attacks." My mother pauses and looks off into the distance as she recalls her past. "They asked me to be one of the leaders. Dauntless would be expanding very quickly, and one leader wasn't going to be enough anymore."

Her eyes drift back to mine. "One thing you need to understand, I was very emotional at that time. My father had died when the first tower fell. He was a fire fighter, and the first truck on the scene. I was so angry and hurt. I thought going back was the right decision." She wipes the streaks of tears that start falling from her eyes. "I told myself, anyone could raise children. But very few had the skills I had, the skills our country needed, to stop these terrorists."

My mother yanks a tissue from the box sitting on the side table and dabs her eyes. "We were told we had to keep our positions a secret, even from our families. If they knew, if they got involved, they could become targets. We were making a lot of enemies, with people who would hold grudges for years. I couldn't put you and your brother in danger." She smiles at me sweetly. "And I have never been able to lie to your father either. The only way I could keep him and the two of you safe was to completely disappear. So, with the government's help, I faked my death."

My mouth falls open as the realization hits me. My mother had chosen Dauntless over us. My mother chose her country over her family. I am both proud and angry at the same time and can't piece together my thoughts well enough to come up with a reasonable reply to what I've just learned. I have to change the subject or else I will lose all my composure. "So that's how you met Four?"

"Four?" My mother tilts her head to the side. "Oh, you mean Tobias?" She smiles as his name passes over her lips. "I forgot he was going by that now. I remember the day he got that nickname. Everyone chanted it over and over when it was announced that he was just the fourth soldier to ever earn the Iron Soldier honor. I was so proud of him. He'd had so many obstacles to overcome and yet he excelled at everything regardless."

"It sounds like you two were close."

"Even though I walked away from my kids, I thought about you both all the time. When Tobias was sent to us, he was this scrawny little thing—just barely eighteen. We never got them that young. At the very least, to be recommended for Dauntless you had to have at least two years in. But he was so good with a gun, his commanding officer insisted he would do more good with us than staying with the Army."

I smile remembering his performance at the shooting range. "Yeah. He definitely can shoot."

My mother's face suddenly drops as she continues. "It was obvious that he was running from something. When I realized what that was, I took him under my wing. He became like a son to me. I couldn't be with my own children, so to make up for it, I looked after him."

"Mom?" My voice pulls her back to the present and her eyes settle onto mine. "Where is he now?" I look down at my hands, feeling guilty. I'd just gotten my mother back. Asking about Four feels wrong, but I have to know if he is at least okay.

She exhales loudly again and kisses my forehead. "Maybe we've talked enough for now. You're still recovering and this might be too much to process all at once."

"Mom." My voice is sterner this time.

"Honey." She runs her hand up and down my arm in an attempt to comfort me. There's something you need to know about Tobias before you get too involved with him. He's a great kid, and I'm not surprised at all that you two are friends. He's exactly the kind of boy I'd want you to find and become close with." She looks around the room nervously as she continues. "The only problem is, he's wanted by the government. He's considered a terrorist. He's being held at the WWTR headquarters while he awaits his trial."

"What? A terrorist? That's insane. He's a hero. Mom, he saved my life."

"I know, honey." She pulls me back into her arms, holding me tightly against her chest. Her body trembles around me and the sound of her breathing by my ear sends a shiver through me. There is something else, a secret she's hiding.

"What else? What are you not telling me?"

Her voice cracks as she tries to speak. "If he's found guilty..." She sucks in a deep breath and tries again. "If he's found guilty, he'll be put to death."

"No!" I push my mother away. "No, they can't do that."

Her hands reach out for me, smoothing my hair around my face. "I know." Her reply is so calm, it's as if she already has a plan. Something she's worked out long ago.

"Why? I don't understand. Why do they think he's a terrorist? He told me his tattoo was blue?"

My mother lets her head fall back as she stares up at the ceiling. "Because of me. It's my fault."

The Iron Soldier: A FourTris Divergent StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang