Chapter 19

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Four practically dragged me out of the police station. We stopped only briefly to collect his belongings and say a hasty goodbye to Matt who gave me a huge smile. "It was great to meet you. Keep an eye on him for a while. I don't want to hear about any more psychotic episodes."

"I will," I promised as Four pushed me through the door.

"Keys." He held out his hand to me as I pointed out Christina's car.

"No way. I'm driving. I'm still not convinced you're entirely stable." He shot a frown in my direction, but I wasn't backing down. "I get the feeling road rage may be an issue for you today."

"Fine." He huffed as he circled around to the passenger side of the car. Once inside, we both looked at each other simultaneously. "What now?"

"I'm assuming you want to go home."

"No, not particularly."

"Oh. I just thought you'd want to be alone for a while."

His gaze dropped to his hands sitting in his lap. "I do stupid things when I'm emotional and alone."

"You mean like drinking a whole bottle of bourbon?"

"Yeah. Wait. How did you know I like bourbon?"

Shit. He doesn't remember. Should I tell him? It would be the only way to explain why I know about his family history, though the thought of bringing it up right now makes my stomach turn. "Lucky guess?"

He eyed me suspiciously. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

"No...Yes...Ask me again later." Why did I have such a hard time lying to him? I'm not the overly honest type like Christina. I don't usually have trouble bending the truth when the need arises. "Maybe we could go someplace quiet where we could talk."


"Yes, talk."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know, anything. Whatever you want to talk about. I know how you felt about Carlos. Don't you want to...?"

"No. I don't want to talk about Carlos with you." He shot out, annoyance clear in his voice.

I squeezed my hands closed as I felt the anger build up in my chest. "Maybe we should go to your place then, so you can grab a bottle of something strong. Is that the only way you'll open up to me?"

"What are you talking about?"

Someday my stubbornness is going to be the end of me. "I went to your place the other day. You were totally shit faces, but at least we were able to talk."

He looked at me in suspicion, then looked away quickly. "You know what. You were right. I do want to be alone. Just drop me off at my apartment."

"So you can drown your sorrows in the bottom of a bottle? No."

"How I decide to grieve is none of your business, Tris. Just take me home."

"I promised your friend I'd keep an eye on you. I never break my promises. We are going to hang out for a while, until you prove to me that you can deal with this like an adult."

He let out a loud sigh, disgusted with my accusation. "When did you become my babysitter?"

"The day I started caring about your well-being." That shut him up. I started the car and it came alive with a quick protest. I drove out of the parking lot with no destination in mind. Maybe we'd just drive around a bit. I glanced quickly at the gas gage. Hmm, maybe not. After a moment of driving in silence I decided where we could go and made a quick U-turn at an abandoned office building.

The Iron Soldier: A FourTris Divergent StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora