2 - Goner

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Josh's P.O.V

"Hey, are you okay?" I stopped the girl before she could leave. She looked at me nervously and fidgeting with her long sleeves.
"I-I'm okay, thanks." She gave me a smile, but I couldn't help but feel it was forced. Before I could reply, she was already walking briskly down the hallway. She was (Y/N), the mysterious and quiet girl who never really talked. Perhaps she was selectively mute? I couldn't tell. It would be strange to suddenly go up to her and try to get to know her, right?

Reader's P.O.V

The next lesson was history. You were dreading it. Just the thought of it sent shivers down your spine and sucked your will to live out of you almost completely. Just as you were closing your locker, you felt the presence of something near your head.

Ah, there it is. The feel of the cold metal locker hitting your face barely bothered you, because you were so used to it. You heard laughing behind you, but you merely ignored them while quietly suffering on the inside. Your bullies always found a way to make your life miserable. You began to walk away, but then you were pushed to the ground. A small gasp escaped you and you tried to get back up only to feel a sharp pain in your stomach. You lay motionless against the wall as tears streamed from your eyes, mean laughter filled your ears and pain knifed at your body from all over. You felt numb and let the pain take over, until you felt a crunching sound and blood dripped from your nose.

You screamed.

You screamed as loud as you could, yelling out for help in between sobs. You clenched your eyes shut and held a hand over your broken nose, overwhelming pain surging through your body and no longer feeling so numb. Everything hurt. How could you have stayed quiet for so long?

Tyler's P.O.V

I was walking to our history lesson with Josh when a piercing scream filled the hallway. It almost scared me half to death but I still ran over to where the sound was coming from to see what was happening. Josh was following closely behind, and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he had seen the girl sat there before.
She was screaming and crying in the corner while three older kids surrounded her. I could feel the anger rising in me as I confronted them.
"What do you think you're doing, hurting her? What the hell did she do to you?!" My voice clearly stopped them in their tracks as they turned to face me. I could see the girl slowly open her eyes in fear to see me. "Leave her alone, or I'll make you regret it."

Reader's P.O.V

What was going on? You could see a blur of two people - one of them had a familiar burst of yellow hair. Surely, Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph, could not have noticed you. You felt two strong arms lift up your body, slightly scaring you for a moment. You could hear a familiar voice.
"Shh, don't worry. We won't hurt you." Tyler. Twenty One Pilots had just saved you. You didn't know how to feel.

Some time later, you could hear a door opening, and you were lowered onto something soft. You could only guess it was one of the beds in the infirmary. You could hear them talking.
"There's no one here."
"It'll be fine. I know how to take care of broken noses."
You tried not to flinch as you felt a damp towel clean up the blood on your face. You felt a patch cover your eye and a pair of soft hands gently pushing up your sleeves to check for further injury. A sudden realisation dawned on you that you really didn't want them to look at your arms, but they were already exposed.

A hand gently traced your scarred and burnt wrists. You opened your good eye to see Tyler sat next to you with a sad look on his face. A single tear leaked from your eye. You could only choke out a few words.
"I'm a goner, aren't I?"

yeesh this went from violent to dark real quick
I hope you enjoyed it though ^^ It took me a lot of thinking and listening to TOP songs to come up with this and make sure I wrote so it was a good length; not too long, not too short.

Quiet is Violent - Twenty One Pilots x Reader (TØP) (TRIGGER WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now