Chapter Four: Mark

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The next day, Mark was back on his computer, formulating the next step in his journey; where he would call his new home. He didn't care what city it was, but more for the price of an apartment. He looked through the cities in California, trying to pick one to live in. 


Mark looked up the average rent for a one bedroom apartment. Immediately, he knew that it wouldn't work.

~As of January 2017, average apartment rent within the city of of Sacramento, CA is $1346.~

Mark sighed, then looked at another city of choice; San Diego. The results he got were roughly the same as Sacramento.

~In 2011, the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment in San Diego is $1,361/month.~

Mark let out a breath of stressed air as he looked at the apartment rent for San Francisco. Once again, the budget was far beyond what he could afford.

~One bedroom units increased 2.6% to a median of$3,590, while two bedrooms saw a jump of 3.8% to a median of $4,870.~

Mark sighed. He bowed his head, rubbing his forehead in stress. "This was a bad idea." He said to himself. Just then, he got a notification that MatPat wanted to Skype him. Mark sighed, gathering a rested appearance for himself, then answered the call. Mark smiled, "Hey, MatPat!"

MatPat smiled. "What's up Mark?"

Mark sighed. "Nothing much. I've just been trying to figure out what the next step is."

MatPat nodded. "Well, I'd say it's to find shelter."

Mark laughed. "I know that! I just don't know where to stay."

MatPat smiled. "I have it!" The boy in the screen ducked out of frame, then came back holding a tablet with an article loaded on it. "Live here!" He pointed to the picture of a small, rustic looking house by the shore. "It's isolated, yet still nearby the city, has a beautiful view of the Pacific, and it has electricity and running water. It's as if it's a runaway's miracle!

Mark chuckled, seeing the excitement flashing in MatPat's eyes. "What's the real reason your really excited about this house?"

MatPat set the tablet down and raised his arms. "Fine, you caught me, but there's a good reason. Have you ever heard of the fisherman that nursed a mermaid back to health?"

Mark blinked. "Not until now. What's the legend?"

MatPat spread his hands, like he always did when he was about to tell a story, and told Mark the legend. After MatPat finished, he looked back to the boy on the train.

Mark blinked, astonished by the tale, but laughed. "What kind of crappy bedtime story is that?"

MatPat frowned. "I wouldn't think it's all a lie. I mean, I've heard so many people talk about merfolk sightings off the coasts of Northern Ireland..."

"Agree to disagree." Mark said. 

MatPat nodded. "Fine then. All I'm saying is this house will be good to stay in. The picture says it's dated only a few years ago, so it should still be sound and safe. If you're going to live in California, I suggest here. It'll be good for your needs."

Mark smiled. "Cool. Send me it's location."

MatPat smiled. "In a dense forest by a beach. It's kind of small, but you'll be able to see it. I'll text you the pic so you can have a reference."

Mark smiled, "Thanks dude. I'll call you when I get to the place."

MatPat smiled. "No problem, dude. Good luck." The boy on the screen yawned. "Here, it's almost night here in New York. I'll talk to you later."

Mark smiled and waved. "OK. Bye, dude!"

MatPat's screen went to black as Mark closed his computer, and slipped it back into his backpack, just as the intercom spoke in his car.

"We are now arriving in the Sacramento InterState Station."

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