Chapter Two: Mark

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Mark sighed, pressing on with his journey. He didn't know where he was, but he didn't care. Anywhere was fine if it was away from home.

No... Mark thought to himself. Home doesn't exist for me now...

Mark shook his thoughts away. He checked his phone. 1:00 A.M. Mark shoved his phone back in his pocket, when he saw the subway station. He walked down into the station to the ticket station. The worker looked up from his magazine. "How can I help you?"

Mark fixed his beanie, so this MTA worker didn't think he would mug him. "Where's the farthest place from here?"

The man shrugged. "Well, the next line should take you to Albany, which will have you at the New York InterState. From there, all you have to do is sign up for the state you'd like to go to, and it will take you to one of the other 49 InterStates in the country. But it'll cost ya."

Mark dipped his head. "That will work fine. Thank you."

The man smiled. "No problem. Enjoy your trip."

Mark smiled. "Thank you. Have a nice night." He started toward the platform and started his wait for the train. After fifteen minutes, the train arrived. People got off. Other people, including Mark, got on. He sat down, then looked at his phone. So far, no one had texted him about him being gone suddenly. Good. He pulled out his laptop, then checked his social media. Same old, same old... He put his laptop away, then looked out the window. As the train whirred down the tracks, the sounds lulled Mark to sleep


Mark woke up after a long 3 hour ride. He looked around, then looked at his phone. Four in the morning. He stood and waited for the train to stop. Once it did, he stepped off into a station. He read the sign above the doorway leading upstairs.

~"Albany InterState"~

Mark smiled. He walked up the stairs into the main travel station, then looked for the California station. He finally found it, then walked into it. The woman in the station booth looked at him. "Hi sir! How may you help you?"

Mark smiled, scratching his wrists in embarrassment. "What would be the fastest way to California?"

The woman smiled. "Oh, that would be our Direct Line. Magnetic traction and aerodynamic create a smooth and easy ride, lasting at reported most, 2 days. But it's very expensive."

Mark nodded. "I know. How much?"

The woman made a sympathetic face. "$350."

Mark winced, then sighed, removing the money he had. He handed the amount due to the woman. She blinked. "OK then. Follow me to your Direct Suite."

After a thirty minute walk, they arrived at the car that would take Mark away from his problems and allow him to start fresh. Mark had to admit, the car he got was nice. There was a bed, and heat. It would be fine for his travels. The woman smiled. "Well. Here it is. Make yourself at home, we will leave shortly."

Mark smiled. "OK. Thank you so much."

She smiled. "Any time. Be sure to visit us here again!" The worker waved and started back toward her post.

Mark sighed and flopped down onto the bed. He sighed, looking at his phone. Still, no one had texted him about his disappearance. Mark smiled, setting his phone down, then drifting off to sleep.

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