Chapter One: Mark

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Mark sat in the corner of the room he once shared with his brother. His mother and father were both screaming at each other about something. It was always new every night. Mark sighed, trying to focus on finding a happy memory of his life before...


Mark looked down at his wrists. He hated to admit it, but he had taken a blade to his body before, and the proof was scarred on him forever. He looked over at the old blood stains on his wall, memories of his older brother flashing in his mind.

Some of his own blood was there now...

Mark sighed, slowly starting to cry. His life was spiraling away from him, to the point where it made him partially crazy. He clutched his hair, trying to calm himself down, when he looked at his open window. An idea formed in the noise of his mind. He sighed, when he felt the house shake as the front door was slammed shut. The hum of a car engine started and drove away. Mark sighed, sitting on his bed, when his mother came in. "Uh... Mark?"

Mark looked up at her. "Ye-Yes?"

She looked at him with all the compassion in the world. "It's about bedtime, and I came to kiss you goodnight."

Mark nodded. "Oh, yeah."

His mom sat down next to him on his bed. "Mark, I know you're still kind of shaken about Tom. And I know me and Dad's fights are getting to you, and I hope you find a way to fight through it."

Mark smiled. "Thanks, Mom."

Mark's mom smiled. "I love you more than you know, Markimoo. Remember that."

Mark softly chuckled. "I love you too."

She lightly kissed his forehead, then flicked off the light and walked back downstairs.

Mark watched his mother leave. He frowned, his newest plan ingrained into his head.

Don't worry, Mom... Mark mentally said to his mother. You'll have one less problem soon enough...



There was no way to stop him now. The idea was already plastered in his head. Mark slid out of bed, careful not to wake his parents. He slowly opened his drawer and pulled out some clothes. A black t-shirt a few of his favorite graphic t-shirts, and his "Lucky Flannel" He also grabbed 3 or four of his pairs of black jeans and a backpack loaded with chips, a laptop and his phone, each with their respective chargers, and all of the birthday money he didn't spend yet. He slid on his black beanie, and walked towards the window. He took a final look at the place he called home. He took a deep breath. This is all for you, Mom... With that, Mark carefully climbed onto a nearby tree branch, climbed down, and fled into the night.

A/N: Oh my god! An actual first chapter for this story!


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