"Yeah, I'm sure it is.  Nice to meet you, lover boy.  Is that my drink?" Paris snapped back.

Wow.  An uphill battle would be a walk in the park compared to this.

"Yeah, it's all yours.  Enjoy," replied Logan.

They all slid into the large booth in the back as Logan completed the introductions of his friends, and fortunately the tension started to ease some as they all began chatting.  Rory had snuggled in close to him with his arm around her shoulders and was rubbing tiny circles on his leg.  If anything could make this night bearable, it was having her close.  He found himself relaxing as they settled in and enjoyed Finn's over-the-top storytelling about recent adventures.  He was definitely going to have to thank his friends for helping make this night less awkward. 

Logan couldn't help but notice Rory stealing glances at the couples on the dance floor and decided to take his chance.

"Wanna dance, Ace?" he asked as he offered her his hand.

"Yeah, sure," she answered with a smile.

Logan lead her to the small dance floor and pulled her close, enjoying the break from the stories at the table and the tension-filled looks from Paris and Tristan. 

"You enjoying your evening, Ace?"

"Yeah, it's nice getting everyone together.  No one has caused any bodily harm yet, which is always a plus, right?" she replied with a laugh.

"Ah yes, I'm quite fond of not being maimed by any best friends," Logan chuckled.

"Your friends are really great.  I enjoyed hanging out with them this weekend," replied Rory.

"That's good, because I hope you'll be seeing them a lot more," Logan replied with a hint of uncertainty and hope in his voice.

"You know, Mr. Huntzberger, I think I would like that," Rory said with a grin.

"Is that so, Miss Gilmore?"

In lieu of answering, Rory pushed up on her tiptoes and kissed Logan lightly.

"Mmm...very good answer," Logan said with a smile as he bent to kiss her again before being interrupted by an angry-sounding female.

"Mind if we cut in, lover boy?" Logan heard as he looked over his shoulder to see Tristan and Paris watching them.

"Sure, no problem.  Paris?" Logan replied as he offered his hand to Paris to dance.

As they settled in with a more proper distance between them, Logan decided to try to be nice and carry on a civil conversation.

"Are you enjoying yourself this evening, Paris?"

"Cut the crap, Romeo.  What are your intentions with my best friend?"

"Wow, no need for pleasantries I guess, right?  Honestly, I'm not quite sure what my intentions are at this point.  She's a great girl, I'm enjoying spending time with her.  I'd like to see where this goes."

"Interesting.  And how long have you been sleeping with her?"

"What?!  I don't know what you think you know, but we're not sleeping together."

"You expect me to believe that line, Huntzberger?"

"Ask her yourself if you don't believe me, but no, we aren't sleeping together."

"So who are you bedding?"

"Excuse me?  I'm not "bedding" anyone, as you put it.  Is it so hard to believe that I could like the girl and want to do this right?"

"Well, given your reputation, it doesn't seem very likely.  You'd better think carefully before you answer me, because I'll know if you're lying, Huntzberger."

"Look, Paris.  Our families introduced us, I like Rory, I'm enjoying spending time with her, I'm not sleeping with her right now and don't intend to change that anytime too soon.  She's worth more than that, obviously.  I know that my reputation proceeds me, but I'm not seeing anyone else.  I have no intention of hurting Rory.  I promise that I'll be honest with her about where we stand.  Okay?"

"Alright.  I guess that's good enough for now.  Just be good to her, okay?"

"I promise I will."


Tristan pulled Rory across the dance floor to give Paris and Logan some room to talk before he pulled her into his arms for a dance.

"So, he seems nice so far," Tristan began.

"He seems to be.  I'm enjoying getting to know him better."

"Good.  Am I the only one who knows what's really going on here?"

"You are.  It's actually a stipulation in the contract that we can't tell anyone the nature of our arrangement, but I had already told you when I didn't think that there would be an arrangement."

"And you're sure about giving him this two week trial?"

"I am.  What do I have to lose, Tristan?"

"I don't know, and that scares me.  Just don't go making it too easy on him.  If he really wants an actual relationship with you, make him work for it.  Okay?  We can't have him breaking your heart."

"I promise, Tris.  Thank you for driving up tonight and meeting him.  It's important to me."

"Ah, don't thank me yet, Mary.  I'm still going to have a little talk with lover boy."

"You wouldn't?!"

"I would, and I am.  Now, if you'll excuse me.  I'll send Paris back to the table.  Feel free to put fresh drinks for you two ladies on my tab.  I promise I'll bring him back to you unharmed." Tristan said as he walked away with a smirk.

Tristan crossed the dance floor to find Paris and Logan.

"Hey, Paris.  Rory's at the table waiting for you.  I told her to put you ladies' drinks on my tab while I talk with Logan.  We'll be back shortly," said Tristan.

"Oh, this is going to be good.  Are you sure I can't watch?" asked Paris.

"Back to Rory, missy!" Tristan said as he lightly pushed her away.  "Now," he said as he turned to Logan, "I think it's time we talked."

"Sure, I'm not dumb enough to think I could get away with not having the talk with her best friends, right?" replied Logan.

"Right.  Let's have a seat," Tristan said as he lead Logan to a nearby table.  "Has Rory told you that I know what's going on?"

"Yeah, she said she told you before she signed the contract."

"Good.  And I also know about this two week "feeling things out" thing you guys are doing," said Tristan.

"Good.  Listen, man, I'm just going to level with you.  I don't exactly know what's going on with the two of us yet.  I like her, I enjoy spending time with her, I'm not sleeping with her, and I want to get to know her better.  She's going to be in my life for a while even if things don't work out between the two of us, so I will do my best not to hurt her."

"Good.  She's an amazing girl, and I don't want to see her get hurt.  And trust me when I say that you do not want her mad at you."

"Oh yeah?" asked Logan.

"Yeah.  Hell hath no fury like a Gilmore girl scorned.  It won't be pretty at all, man.  I'd advise you to keep her happy at all costs.  The girl loves fiercely and loyally, it's like nothing I've ever seen before.  If you earn her heart and treat her right, you'll be a very happy man.  But if you make her angry, your life will be a living hell."

"Thanks for the warning, man," replied Logan.

Match made in a boardroomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora