I am Nick

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When we got to the wardens door, the staff let me in, and I walked through the door.

"Nick it's good to see you, how are you feeling?" The warden said.

Wow he seems happy, I thought to myself..."well I feel good, thanks for asking I said. Although I do have some questions to ask you, if you don't mind." I said.

"Oh Nick, don't worry. Ask away, I'm here to help you like I said, and I promise that you'll get the help you deserve." He said enthusiastically.

"Well, I just still don't believe everything you told me. I literally can't even recall the night that I lit Stacey's house on fire by accident. I can't recall any of that happening, only my birthday. Why wouldn't I remember that happening?" I said in confusion.

He laughed, and looked at me saying. "We have went over this numerous times and I always tell you the same answers. But I can see you forgot once again, so I'll tell you once again. You were admitted here a few days after your birthday. You were going crazy because you couldn't accept the fact you had killed your girlfriend. You were in denial that you had killed her, so you made up Drew. You used him as a escape so you could live in your own little fantasy world we're you relive your birthday over and over again, but only the good parts. You always wake up when you find out, Stacey's gone. It's ok Nick if you have questions, I'm here to answer them away. You do have to realize though that we here at the Asylum of Peace can't help you, if you don't help yourself." The warden said.

Wow, this guy is good at remembering his story, he sounds very believable and he sure knows how to make me believe him. I thought to myself..."What's...what's your name sir?" I said with a trembling voice.

"My name? Haha you forgot that too? Oh Nick, my name is Jim."

I couldn't believe my ears, his name was Jim. Like the creepy guy I met at the park. Was this a just by luck? I mean I couldn't remember the guy at the park to well but maybe he was the guy at the park?...I don't know, just thought that was strange.

"It's funny you say that because I once met a Jim at the....." he cut me off.

"Park, you once met him at the park. Yes, I've lost track of how many times you've told me this...this always happens Nick. We really need to break this cycle, we want to cure you of your mental illness. I want to cure you of it. You really are a good guy, I really feel sorry for your loss. She's in a better place now, she's moved on Nick, and you need to as well." Jim said.

Wow, this guy really knows me well it sounds like. What if I have been here for seven years, and what if he really has heard me say this story all before? I was really starting to believe he was sane, and I was the crazy one. I wanted to ask one last question though before I believed him.

"Were's my mother, because I really want to ask her a question, could I please talk to her?" I asked with a nervous voice...

He looked down at the ground, and than slowly looked back up and proceeded saying.

"Your mother is actually dead Nick, I'm sorry." He said with a saddened voice.

"But, but I remember you told me she was just ill and not doing well. How could she have passed away a few hours later? Listen don't lie to me now!" I said angrily.

He looked down once again, and sighed.

"Your right I shouldn't lie to you, I don't want to lie to you because it's not the right thing to do, I did lie to you though but that was the only lie I told you. Because I didn't want to bombard you with bad news when you woke up from your second personality earlier. It would've been too much information to strike you with. Please forgive me Nick, but I truly am sorry your mother passed away." Jim said.

This guy is genuinely nice, and has a heart it sounds like. It really sucks my mother had passed away, but she's in a better place now. I looked him straight in the eye and said...

"Thank you for being honest Jim, I forgive you. I think your a good person and I would like you to please help me, help me cure whatever that it is going on with me, please." I said as I started to cry...

"Yes don't worry we here at the Asylum of Peace will help you with real professional help. We will have you cured in no time Nick, you just need to first help yourself by admitting your not Drew, your Nick. That's the first step of this healing process." He said with a open heart.

I looked down at the ground, and just thought that he's right I do need to accept the reality I'm in now, Drew was someone I made up to relive the last day I had left with Stacey and my mom. I'm not him, I'm not...

I looked back at Jim, and took a deep breath, and than said...

"I am Nick..."

"Good, well than, let's not waste any time, let's cure you of your sickness, shall we, Drew..."

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