Chapter 44-Distance

Start from the beginning

"Do you have a mate?"

"Yes I do sophie."

Umm! Also as you can see he is a little formal with me. I don't know if it is because he is royalty or because he is uncomfortable because of recent union. But Blake is a prince and he doesn't use formal language. May be he just wants to start smoothly but it really is uncomfortable as if being treated like an outsider, of course that is not what he thinks but still how can I say? It makes me feel a little awkward.

"Then why is she not with you? Aren't you supposed to always want to have your mate around you?"

"Yes, I just thought it would be a little overwhelming for you if we came at you all at once. It is already a lot to take in for you and my mate is a little too cheerful for her own good."

"Do I hear a complaint? I might have to report it somewhere." I said teasing him slightly.

He chuckled at this. "No little one, it is not a complaint. I won't change her for anything. It is one of her charms."

"Do I hear love here?" I taunted.

"And what is wrong in it?"He questioned back raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nothing!" I said lifting my hands in mock surrender. "It's good to see that you finally opened up. No formal language."

"Sorry, did it make you uncomfortable?"


"I just thought if I suddenly act brotherly you would find it weird."

"No, since we are on that point I will make it clear! I want you to act brotherly!" I said excited to have him open up with me. May be he would act a bit like Mr.Alpha. If I think about it all these alphas behave the same but are very different. It is confusing to explain. I mean they are all possessive, stupid and what not, the common 'alpha' characteristics but even so they are unique in their own way. 

"Of course if it isn't bothersome to you!" I added as an after thought.

"Why would it be? You are my little one!" Little one? "You might not remember but I do remember. We stayed together hundreds of years. You've been gone for 14 years only which is short compared to vampires life but again long since I have to be away from my little sister."

"Woah! Poetry is flowing out! I hope you are not a flirt."

"Nope! She will kill me! Anyways one cannot look at anyone except their mate. One won't even be interested."

"Big sis have a mate, no fairies don't have mates,I mean husband too?"


"Can't they come here? I want to see them. It's already been one week so I think its long enough. I want to see my siblings other halves." I smiled.

"Okay." He said and clicked his fingers and then this female appeared before who was combing her hair lost in thoughts. My jaw literally dropped to the floor and I looked at my bro with eyes as wide as saucers while he looked at her with a smirk and a hint of smile on his face. She was so deep in thoughts that she didn't notice the scene change and kept brushing her hair, her eyes though looking forward not here but lost somewhere seeing something.

"What did you?" I whispered so as not to attract her attention.

"She is my mate. Brought her here just like you asked." He whispered back.

"You are a witch too? I heard Blake is the only one who is a hybrid."

"I am not. I am a pure demon. I just told our castle witch and he summoned her here. He is a powerful witch." He smirked somehow proud of his actions. I noticed the change in his behavior with his mate arrival. Before he was careful and formal, a little hesitating but now he is in full on confidence mood with a little hint of arrogance. Any tension or awkwardness left in the air is completely gone. Mates really do change you huh? If you ask me to guess obviously she missed my brother, being apart from him for a week and so he is daze and my brother knowing that feels male pride or something like that and also the obvious happiness of seeing his mate. How could I not think about this till today? I just assumed that they are single since they came alone. I made them suffer unknowingly. I should make up somehow. 

She sighed drawing me out from my monologue.

"I miss him." She said in a low voice her hands stopping from combing her hair. I thought it was so cute. "I think one week without seeing him made me crazy. I can see him before me but if I try to touch him he will disappear."

Wow! I thought such things happen only in movies, I mean a person loving another one so much and missing that that they start to see them and then when they appear in real they still think it is a dream. Looks like my bro has quite a good love story. She sighed again and then suddenly slapped her cheeks harshly surprising me.

"You can't be like that! It doesn't suit you. You have to be cheerful and wait patiently until you can see Dmitri and cutie pie." 

Does cutie pie refer to me? May be her sister or friend? Daughter or son? They have children?

"I say it does suit you baby. You are always weird." Xandersaid out loud his smirk prominent and an amused look on his face which shocked the hell out of likely sister. She opened her mouth then closed it again and she did so quiet a few times not knowing what to say making me smile secretly at them. They are in their own world, eyes connected and I felt like I am being thrown into the audience seat. He stood up and walked towards her never breaking eye contact with her and crushed her into him still looking into her eyes as if trying to look through her.

"Did I render you speechless?" he said and proceeded to kiss her and cue my eyes closed.

Though he is my brother and I am supposed to be happy about it witnessing this scene caused a pang in my heart. My heart ached for Blake and his arms around me. May be because I witnessed them kissing I suddenly felt like search my stupid prince and smash my lips on his. I bet his reaction would be very great. How long is this distance going to be between us? It is really tiring.

***************************************************************************************And so the update! Hope you like this chapter! I think Sophie's behavior is justifiable! Sometimes you have to earn forgiveness!

Anyways! Read, vote and comment! Till next time lovelies! Have a nice time.

P.S. Read my other works too if you like this book! "It's an accident" with an update every sunday and "You" with slow updates(until I can finish this book).

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