Satarou entered the supermarket with a happy Yui on his shoulders. He went to the foodstand he wanted, and grabbed a few tomatoes out of a basket. He handed them to the lady behind the table that was located behind the food baskets.

"Hey, Satarou" the lady smiled. It wasn't uncommon to know everybody in town, plus Satarou came often to buy ingredients for Lisa. "And hello to you little Yui."

Yui clapped happily in greeting, giggling. The lady, Marsha, wrapped up the tomatoes and Satarou handed her the coins needed for them. He pocketed the rest of the change.

A moment later, Satarou heard a blood-curdling scream. He felt chills run down his spine, and he was frozen with fear when he realized the screams came from the direction his house was in.

"Oh dear, what was that?" Marsha frowned.

"M-m-mommy!" Satarou yelled. Still clutching the tomatoes, he began running towards the house, making sure Yui didn't fall off his shoulders. From the outside, his house still appeared to be fine. Nothing seemed to be off. Yet, Satarou was still stiff with fear. Yui was crying loudly as well. Without another word, Satarou finally opened the door, his fingers shaking as he opened it. He was frozen with fear. There was blood all over the floor and the walls. His father, Masato, was right in front of the door. His head had been cut off and had rolled a little bit away. Satarou's eyes were brought to a man. He was holding his sword and was about to stab it through Lisa.

"M-Mommy!" Satarou screamed as loud as he can. The man turned to face him, just as his blood-covered mother did.

"S-Satarou" she gasped, "run! Please, keep Yui safe..!"

"Mother! Don't go! I need you!" Satarou cried.

"I beg you, keep him safe! Stay safe, both of you! You are both my world!" Lisa cried, knowing she was about to die, "Remember, I will always love you both!"

"Shut up!" the man screamed and pierced the sword straight through her chest. Blood flew and it landed on the man, Satarou and Yui. But Satarou didn't care. All he cared about was his mother.

"Mother!" he screamed. The man laughed sadistically as he faced the two kids. Satarou's eyes widened and he glared at the man, "you monster! You killed my family!" Tears were streaming down Satarou's eyes, but he didn't care. He just wanted his family back.

"I know, I should probably kill you both now, but I only came for your parents. Besides, it will be much more fun to watch you suffer" the crazy man continued his evil laughing as Satarou glared at him. "I am Casper, now remember that!" The man had large, black fluffy feathered wings, and at once, Satarou knew his parent's murderer was an Angel. He couldn't comprehend why an Angel of all supernaturals would want to kill his family.

"I will get my revenge!" Satarou yelled at Casper's retreating form, "I will get my revenge and then you will regret mocking me on my parents grave! Just you watch!"

Casper turned back to face Satarou and smirked mockingly, "I look forward to that day. Don't disappoint me, kiddo." And with that, Casper flew off into the cold starry night, the dim glow of the stars lighting up the sky.

Satarou held Yui close to his chest, and cried more as he watched his parents bloody and lifeless forms. He had clutched the tomatoes in his hands so hard that they were smushed. They had long been forgotten about. Satarou dropped the smushed tomatoes onto the floor, not even caring about them anymore. He knelt down to his mother's lifeless form, tears still leaking out.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you mommy, daddy" Satarou whispered to the air as Yui still cried, "I promise, I will protect Yui with all my life. He is all that I have now. I will make you guys proud, I promise!"

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