I sighed. "Right," I murmured, as I could feel his lips on my temple, then my forehead while his hand gently splayed over my stomach. "Sirus stop," I told him as I felt his hand tighten around me.

His lips reached for my own, and I turned my head. He growled, but did not force me to kiss him. Like he has done many times before...

I could not see outside. The two openings were covered with cloth. It made me sad. I wanted to see what had become of the villages in my kingdom. What if they were burnt down to crisps? Or what if lycans took my people's homes and had my people on the streets? So many questions that I could not ask...for fear that Sirus would get upset with me.

Fear was a disgusting disease and I wish I did not have it.

The carriage halted abruptly. Sirus grabbed me before I was flung across the carriage. I could hear a man yelling at the coach.

"You will all perish! Perish for your sins! Lycans are the devil! You all are of the-" his voice was cut off with a loud shrill.

I could hear snarling. And sickening snaps...before there was silence. "They killed him," I said gently, watching Sirus nod his head slowly. "They could not have put him in the jails? Death is the only option?"

Sirus nodded. "Yes. It is. It is the only way to get your people to listen at times." My people. I sat silently seething. My people were only violent when being pushed to do so. They were not out for blood like his people.

Once the carriage stopped again, it was slower and I knew we were not stopping for a crazed old man...but because we were in front of my castle. I only wished that Eddie could see this. He is the future King but he is not even allowed to visit...

The door opened and Sirus got out. He helped me put, and I looked at the people who were standing at the steps of my castle. Not to many familiar faces. Some maids that I had recognized. None of the important councilmen that I was familiar with. Well...I most of them I saw perish before my eyes....

"Princess." I heard a man's voice say. I looked throughout the crowd. My eyes searching for the familiar voice. "Won't you all bow in the honor of your great...Princess."

I could feel Sirus's arm snake around me as my eyes met the familiar face. Dark hair, twinkling glacier like eyses, and a tall frame. Same as I remember him. Except that his eyes were twinkling with much more than usual mischief..  Duke Everton the Secomd. Also known as James.

"She is a Queen," Sirus basically barked at James as he smiled and looked me over. He had a ring on his finger. He had married? In the last six months?

"It is nice to see you well, Queen," he said as he stuck his hand out.

"You will bow. That is all," Sirus said curtly. "Where are the other two advisors? I want this meeting to begin promptly."

Was I to be included in the meeting? I much rather wander the halls. See what has become of my beautiful home.

"Sirus am I to be apart of the meeting?" He shook his head.

The anger I felt in that moment was palpable. He brought me all the way here to me what? Parade me around and make it known that I was alive and well to my people...but I actually had no say in helping my people. This was very much a Sirus plan. I would try to eavesdrop when I had the chance. "I have to relieve myself," I whispered in his ear.

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