Chapter 5 - What's an Alter Ego Anyway ?

Start from the beginning

"Have a good night Camila."

Camila got out of the car. "Thanks, good night."

"I'm going running tonight, can I expect some company?" Lauren said, before Camila walked off.

"Someone's got to keep you out of trouble." Camila quipped as she walked away.

Camila walked in the house, where her mother was waiting. Camila could see her mother had a very serious expression on her face. "Camila I think we need to talk."

Camila nodded and sat down on the couch next to her mother. "I told Lauren about me."

"That's that girl you really like?"

"Yes, she accepts me for what I am. You don't know how much that means to me."

"I wish you would have talked to me about it first. We don't need any attention brought to us. It's bad enough you left a corpse in the park." Sinuhe Cabello said, looking somewhat irritated.

Camila began to panic and cry., "I'm sorry, that man was going to rape Lauren. I was following her, I just reacted to protect her. My wolf side already considers her its' mate. It was protecting her. I love her. Is dad angry?"

"No, he thinks I did it." Sinu remarked.

Camila's jaw dropped open. "What..How?"

"When I heard what happened from the news, I suspected it was you. I told him that I did it. I said that I found a rapist attacking a girl in the park and I killed him. He wasn't very happy with me but, he'll get over it. Your father told me, that man has raped at least 3 women and suspected in at least a dozen more."

"Thanks Mom." Camila quietly said.

Sinu stood up and huffed angrily. "Camila you need to be careful. I covered for you because I know what it's like to be out there. I know what those instincts can do. I know how strong the instinct to protect your mate can be. But you need to try to control your instincts better. People of our kind who let their instincts take over are dealt with. Now you swear you can trust Lauren with your secret?"

Camila nodded.

"You better be able to trust her. Because if she talks, I won't do anything but another one of us will. She'll just disappear, no trace, not ever heard from again. I'm not saying this to be mean. My father gave me this same talk once when I first started seeing your father."

"You just felt deep down that you could trust him, right? You felt this almost magnetic pull towards him didn't you."

Sinu nodded. "I just knew it. It felt right with your father."

"I feel that same way about Lauren. She's going to be my mate. I just know it." Camila said excitedly.

Sinu gave her daughter a stern look. "I'm going to trust you on that one. But I will be watching you. And no more corpses. Just drive them away."

"Yes mom. Thank you."

"Love you pup." Sinu said kissing Camila on the forehead.

"Love you too mom."

As Sinu started to walk off Camila asked. "Where's everyone else?"

"You're sister is at a friends house, your father is on a stakeout and I'm going to go and run in the woods. I haven't changed since last week so I'm getting the itch."

An hour later Lauren had just started her run when Camila, in wolf form, came bounding out from in between two houses.

She seemed excited and happy as she ran besides Lauren.

Lauren looked at the wolf now running besides her. "This is so weird" She thought to herself.

Lauren paused for a moment. "Hey Camila, I know you like me and I like you, but no sniffing my butt. You got that?" Lauren said as she pointed a finger at Camila.

Camila whined and backed off several steps.

"I can't believe I'm actually having this conversation." Lauren groaned as she resumed jogging.

The run went well. A cool breeze kept Lauren from getting too hot during her run. Camila in her wolf form, ran along happily besides her. Thought at several points, she ran ahead as if she were scouting ahead. Camila's wolf form would suddenly dash ahead and stop about 20 or 30 yards ahead. She would then raise her nose and stiff, with her ears perked up. Lauren knew, that Camila was looking for any signs of danger.

Lauren ran through the park for the first time since the incident. Camila kept up and while going through the park, seemed very very alert. She stuck very close by Lauren and never strayed more than 4 feet from her.

As odd as it was, Lauren felt comforted by the presence of Camila in her wolf form. Lauren felt completely safe. She also felt and odd kinship with Camila, both in her human and wolf form. It was something she couldn't quite explain. Being with her, just felt right to Lauren. Strangely it didn't bother her that Camila could change into a wolf.

Eventually Lauren came to the end of her run. She hadn't spoken much during the 5 miles. But Lauren noticed, that Camila didn't seem to mind. She just walked along side of her patiently.

"Well Cabello, that's it for tonight?" Lauren said as she kneeled down in front to Camila. Camila barked in approval and ran around excitedly for a moment.

"I take I you like running with me too."

Camila barked again.

Lauren ran her fingers through Camila's thick fur. "You're something else Cabello."

Camila quickly lowered her head in submission, allowing Lauren to pet her.

After a moment, Camila lifted her head and licked Lauren up the side of the face.

Caught by surprise, Lauren laughed. "No offense, but I prefer your human kisses."

Camila whined slightly as a sad look quickly appeared in her eyes.

Lauren rolled her eyes and let Camila lick her again. "You're just lucky I like you. Now go home before the dogcatcher finds you."

Camila quickly growled at the mention of the word dog catcher and quickly ran off, disappearing into some bushes.

As Lauren entered her house, she was struck how natural it all seemed. Most people would be totally freaked out about this. But Lauren realized not only did it seem natural, but she felt an actual connection to Camila. Not to mention she was very attracted to Camila Cabello's human form.

As she drifted off to sleep, she quickly began to dream about wolves. She saw Camila, in a cold snow covered forest. Running free between the tall pine tree's, listening to the wind.

In the dream she began to chase after Camila. Faster and faster she ran after Camila who kept ahead. Eventually she found Camila by a cold stream, overshadowed by a large mountain. However Lauren could see there was another wolf with her. It nuzzled her affectionately. Lauren could see the creature was large majestic Black wolf. Its fur was as black as night.

With a flash of jealously, Lauren instinctively knew the black wolf was Camila's mate. As Lauren approached, the black wolf suddenly turned its attention to her. It quickly leapt in front of Camila and growled at Lauren.

Lauren looked into the angry creatures eyes, they were beautiful green emerald eyes. The black wolf arched it back, as the fur on it stood straight up. It soon bared its long white teeth. Lauren knew the creature didn't want her near its mate.

"But I'm her mate." Lauren found herself shouting at the wolf.

The wolf suddenly pounced at her. It leaped and with in a second it had her pinned to the ground. As the creature glared at Lauren, about to strike, she realized she's seen the black wolfs eyes before.

Much to Lauren's shock, she realized she'd seen those eyes every day of her life.

Lauren saw them every time she looked in a mirror. They were hers.

Just as the wolf was about to wrap its teeth around her neck, she woke up in a cold sweat.

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