Chapter 7

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Double uptade! 😜💕
"Baekhyunnie!" Mrs Byun called her son in the sweetest, happiest voice she could.

"Yes mommy?" Baekhyun called back in a sweet voice. Well, his mom did first, so it would be rude not to be sweet.

His mom stood at the door, smirking at her son. "Your friend, Chanyeol is here. He said he was bored and he asked if you wanted to hang out with him."

Baekhyun was startled for a second, before blushing madly at the look his mom was giving him.

"Mom are you serious?? Please tell me you're joking!" He whisper-shouted. He still havent even took a shower!

"Nope. And you better not turn him down. He looked pretty cute and nervous!" His mom squealed, trying not to be loud. "Now come on! Be ready in less then 10 minutes! Don't make him wait!"

The smaller cursed, before rushing to the bathroom. He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, and now he was stuck in choosing his outfit.

'Should i wear thin clothes again? Maybe he will lend me his jacket again, i could breath his scent again! Oh my god!' He mentally squealed.

He sighed at his delusional thoughts, before deciding to wear a not-so-skinny jeans, a baby-blue sweather, along with a dark blue jacket and a superstar adidas shoes.

He decided to wear his glasses, since he woke up with blurry eyes today.

((A.n idk if this makes sense, idk if this is normal but i sometimes wake up with kind of blury/weak eye sight and it stays like that for the whole day lol))

Once he made sure that he's looking okay, he made his way to the living room, only to find Chanyeol sitting on the couch, while playing with his fingers nervously.

'He looks so freaking cute!' Baekhyun mentally exclaimed, feeling his heart beat so fast at the sight.

"Hey Chanyeol." He greeted, waving a little bit with his slender hand.

Startled, Chanyeol stood up, before greeting back, "hey smurf."

He eyed Baekhyun up and down, before gulping.
'Why does he have to be so cute..' he mentally cried.

After having a 20 seconds staring session, The taller unconsiously muttered, "you look adorable and cute."

Both of them stood there, shocked, while blushing madly.

"Thanks." The midget giggled shyly. "Y-you look handsome to be honest."

"Really?" The giant's face lit up for a second, before coughing, "i mean, thanks baekkie."

"Are you going to keep staring at each other and flirting?" The mother said, coming out of the kitchen.

"We'll be going now." Chanyeol said, not even controlling his hand that already secured itself around Baekhyun's waist, making him a blushing mess.

"Wait! Can i speak to you for a second, in private Chanyeol?" The mother said.

The said male nodded, before entering the kitchen to where Mrs.Byun was.

"Listen to me young boy." She started, glaring at the taller who was extreamly afraid right now.

"If these hands of yours touch my baby in any inappropriate way, if you break my jiggle puff's heart or hurt his feelings, i will cut you to tiny pieces and cook you for pasta. Understand?"

Chanyeol gulped, getting scared and sweaty, "y-yes mom. I promise i won't hurt him in any way."

"Good. Now, have fun! I want him back before 10PM!" She smiled sweetly, as the taller bowed, and made his way out of the house along with Baekhyun.

Word count:580 words
Short chapter! 😜
Thank you for reading my story! See you later 💕

PHILOPHOBIA (Book I)[Chanbaek/Baekyeol Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now