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To say that Anne was excited to have Ara over for dinner was an understatement. She was overjoyed, ecstatic about it. Even Harry and Lauren were happy to see her too. Although it was agreed that Ashton was the happiest to have her there.

Ara felt at home whenever she went there. Not that being with Liam and Teddy didn't feel like home, because it did, there was just something about Anne and Ashton's family that made her feel comfortable.

She leaned into Ashton's side after dinner. Everyone was seated on the couch, around the fireplace. "Merry Christmas dork." She mumbled, with a smile.

"Merry Christmas nerd." He replied.

"Ashton," Anne scolded. "Don't be mean." Ara snickered and Ashton threw his hands up.


"Ashton don't talk back to your mother." Ara mocked playfully. Lauren and Harry laughed.

"My own mother and girlfriend are teaming up on me."

"Get used to it." They said in unison.

"You guys aren't allowed to do that." He said.

"Says who?" Ara asked.

"Me. I say." Ashton replied. Ara laughed.

"Whatever floats your boat Ashton."

"'M so glad you agree." He smiled.

Ara flopped down on Ashton's bed later that night, and rolled onto her back. "Comfy?" Ashton asked. She nodded, and smiled at him.

"Very." She replied. Sat up, and pulled her sweater off over her head, and lied back down.

Ashton removed his shirt, tossing it aside before crawling onto the bed next to her and lying on his stomach. Ara smiled, and rolled onto her side, tracing patterns on his skin. She shivered lightly. "What are you doing?" He asked, eyes closed. He seemed to relax under her touch, and it was quite calming.

"Drawing." She replied, kissing his shoulder blade.

"Don't stop. Feels good." He mumbled, tiredly.

"Sleepy?" She asked.

"No." He responded. "Just . . . calm." He moved closer to her so that his head was resting on her chest. He could feel her steady heart beat. Ara moved her fingers from his back to tangle in his hair. His curls were soft to touch. She moved her fingers back down to trace the muscles of his back, pressing hard in some places. Ashton shifted in place. "Fuck." He mumbled. She laughed. "You're such a tease."

"Am not. I just know what I'm doing." She replied. He looked up at her with a goofy grin, before leaning up to kiss her.

"Sure." He said. He kissed her neck. His eyes trailed down her arm. "What did you do to your arm?" He asked.

"Oh," Ara glanced down at the bandage. "I slipped in the basement, and scratched my arm on a loose nail." She lied.

"Such a clumsy girl." He said, shaking his head.

"I'm not clumsy." She retorted.

"Sure you are. I got you to fall for me didn't I?"

"That was so cheesy." She laughed. "But cute."

"'M not cute, I'm punk." He whined.

"Sure babe." He propped himself up on his elbows.

"What time do I have to bring you home?" He asked.

"Ten." She replied. "What time is it?"

"Quarter to." He replied.

"I guess we should get going." She sighed.

"Yeah. Wish I could keep you for the night though." He muttered.

"One day." She smiled. Ashton smiled too. He got off Ara and grabbed another shirt pulling it on.

As Ara grabbed her sweater and began pulling it over her head, she stopped. She stepped closer to his window and peered out through the curtain. "Ashton," she said. He turned to find her staring out the window.


"You might get your wish after all." She said. Ashton froze. There was something different about the way she spoke. Like he could almost hear the fear creeping through in her voice.

"Why do you say that?" He asked, coming up behind her. He placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Do you see that car?" She asked, cautiously pointing out the window.

"Yeah, so what?" He kissed her shoulder. "Ara, baby, you're shaking." He whispered.

"That car," she swallowed. "I saw it parked outside the school a couple weeks ago. The day that we sat on the roof. And then it followed Teddy and I home the day Christmas break started. And it was outside my house yesterday after you left. It's been following us around. Not a lot of things scare me, Ashton, but I'm scared."

Ara jumped back a bit when the car door opened and a man walked out. She turned around and he could see the worry in his girlfriend's eyes. He looked past her at the man on the street. He just stood there, staring at his surroundings. "Who is he?"

"I don't know." She whispered. "He's just been following us around and-" Ara closed her mouth before she told him about the incident from the other day.

"And what?"

"Nothing. I-It's nothing." She stuttered, wrapping her arms around her. Don't tell him about the shooting.

"What shooting Ara?"

"Fuck." She cursed.

"Ara," Ashton gripped her shoulders tightly, pushing her back against the wall; she gasped.


"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING LITTLE GIRL?" Craig shouted loudly as he trailed behind the eleven year old.

"AWAY FROM YOU!" She yelled back, running up the stairs. Craig ran after the girl.

Before she could reach her bedroom, someone grabbed her shoulders and shoved her against the wall. "DON'T YOU EVER RUN AWAY FROM ME YOU UNGRATEFUL CHILD!"




Ara tried to push him away in a hurry, but he held onto her tighter. "Ara, I'm sorry." He whispered. He brought her closer, and sank to his knees, bringing her with him. "Baby, it's okay. I wouldn't ever hurt you." He kissed her forehead repeatedly trying to calm her down.

"I'll call Teddy and let him know you're staying the night okay," Ara nodded. "Just breath okay. Stay here." He picked her up and set her down on his bed. And when he looked back through the window . . .

The car was gone. And the man was no where to be found.

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