
647 11 2

word count; 1399



"YOU DID WHAT!" Teddy yelled at his siter across from her at the lucnh table. Ara smacked him in the head.

"Shut up!" she hissed. "It's not my fault. She was picking on me!"


"She was rude." the girl muttered before turning away. Teddy shook his head, and groaned.

"Jesus Ara. I thought we were trying to stay out of trouble?"

"I'm sorry okay!" Ara threw up her hands in exasperation. "I'm sorry!"

"Okay, calm down. You didn't do anything else did you?"

"No. I actually made it through one of my classes thank you."

"And that was?"

"Music." Teddy's gaze softened a bit. When they were still living with Craig, Ara listened to music to help her escape reality. She listened to a lot of rock. Bands like Nirvana, Blink, Good Charlotte Led Zeppelin etc.

"I guess it's a start."

"Yeah." Ara glanced around the cafeteria, and spotted a lonely looking Sam walk in. Not wanting to make the girl uncomfortable, she waited for Sam to look her way before motioning her to come over. Sam looked around before complying. Sam sat down quietly next to Ara. "You're right. Mrs. beckett is an evil woman." Ara sighed to the blue headed girl. Sam stared wide eyed.

"Oh no. What did you do?" Sam panicked.

"Calm down." Ara said to her. "We had a little agrument."

"Nothing is little when it comes to mrs. Beckett. And you probably pissed Ashton off in the process. Great. Now he's going to be angry." This had been the longest senetnce she'd ever heard Sam say. "Fucking great. What did you do exactly?" she turned to Ara.

"Who's Ashton?" was all Ara managed to say.

"He's one of the school's punks. He's been taunting the school's teachers for three years now, and no else has done it. I mean, unless you count Michael taunting them with his hair. That didn't make sense."

"Let me guess. He's got curly blonde hair, and a pissy attitude." Ara said.

"Did you steal his seat?"


"What is wrong with you!" Sam whispered loudly. "Jesus Ara, are you trying to get yourself killed?" Ara glared at Sam, and leaned into the girl. Sam backed away as much as she could go.

"If I wanted to die," Ara stressed the last word. "I would have stayed at home with my stepdad." Sam gulped.

"Ara stop. You're scaring her for christ's sake." Ara backed off.


"It's okay. I tend to get on people's nerves. I'll go."

"No, stay." Teddy said. "You seem to know an awful lot about this school. We could use someone like you to help us get around." Sam faced the younger boy.

"I don't like to be used."

"Not like that." Ara said. "What we mean is, you help us survive this damned institution. And we'll make sure that no one picks on you."

"I have a hard time trusting people." Sam said firmly.

"You don't have to trust us." Ara said. "So do we have a deal?" Sam nodded.

Nicotine | Ashton Irwin ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora