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All week Ara tried to figure out where Ashton was taking her, but the boy was stubnorn and refused to tell her.

Ara rested her head on the table, and sighed in frustration. Sam laughed, and poked her friend's cheek. "Why so upset?" She teased.

"Ashton is being a jerk."

"Why's that?"

"Because he won't tell me where's he taking me." She whined. Teddy laughed at his sister's childness.

"Aww, poor baby." He said. Ara lifted her head to glare at her brother.

"Fuck off." She said.

"Fuck on, you get better results." Michael sat, sitting down at the table, accompanied by Luke and Calum. Ara couldn't help but laugh and give the colour haired boy a high five.

Sam looked up from her Chemistry work and over at Calum. He groaned. "Why are you mad?" Ara asked, looking over at him. He held up the book.

"I hate Chemistry." He said. "I can't figure out the last damn question." He closed the book. Sam leaned over the desk, and flipped Calum's page around so that she could look at it.

"Did you add iron?" She asked. Calum looked down at his page, rereading his work.

"Oh." He mumbled quietly. He scribbled down iron onto his page. "Thanks."

"No problem." She replied. Sam leaned back into her seat, tucking a lock of hair behind her ears and returning to her work without a second glance at anyone. Everyone else ignored it.

"So where's Ashton taking you for this . . . date?" Luke asked, resting his elbows on the table. Ara groaned again.

"I don't know! He won't tell me!"

"You'll find out tomorrow." Ashton said, joining the group. Ara glared at him.

"Or you tell me now. You might get to see tomorrow if you do." She threatened.

"I won't tell you with that attitude." He replied.

"Ugh! Why do you hate me?!"

"I don't hate you."

"Then just tell me!"



Ashton sat in Ara's room later that night. Liam was working late and Ashton decided to use the window instead of the front door just to be funny.

Ashton closed his eyes and Ara pressed a gently kiss to the base of his neck. "Nice try," he mumbled. "But it isn't going to work. I'm not telling you." Ara frowned.

"Why not?" She whined, burying her face in the crook of his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair.

"Because. It's a surprise."

"Please Ashton. Just one hint." She begged him, looking up with child like eyes.

"Now that's not fair." He said.

"No, you not telling me, that's not fair."

"Fine! You can have one hint." He sighed, giving in."


"Nobody but me knows about the place that I'm taking you." He said.

"That's not much of a hint Ash." She pouted.

"Well too bad. That was your only hint." Ara let out a huff.

"Fine." She frowned. "Meanie." She added quietly, hoping he wouldn't hear her. Unfortunately he did. Ashton pinned Ara beneath him on her bed.

"What was that?" He asked.

"You heard me." She challenged. "Or do I need to repeat myself?" Ashton chuckled and bent down, bringing her into a kiss. Ara tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling playfully every now and then. One of Ashton's free hands trailed down her side making goosebumps erupt on the surface of her skin. She shivered lightly. Ashton bit down on gently on her bottom lip. She pulled away.

"Are you gonna tell me now?" Ashton smiled.

"As much as I love kissing you, the answer is still no, love."

"I guess I'll just have to kiss you again." She said, bringing him in for another kiss.

Ara threw on a sweater overtop of her tank top, and grabbed her phone. Ashton had texted her earlier that morning telling her to dress warm because they we're going to be outside most of the night.

She padded down the stairs, passing Teddy along the way. "Have fun tonight!" He called.

"Thanks. I'll see you later!" She yelled back, leaving through the front door. Ara walked in the direction of the school. She was going to meet Ashton there. The walk was silent. She kept her head down, eyes glued to the concrete. The walk didn't take her very long; she arrived before Ashton did. She took a seat on one of the picnic benches that were outside.

Ara waited five minutes before Ashton came around the corner, heading towards her. She smiled. "Hey." She said, once he reached her. Ashton smiled, leaning down to kiss her.

"Hey." He mumbled back. "You ready?" She nodded. Ashton grabbed her hand and began walking.

"So are you going to tell me where you're taking me?" She asked him hopefully. Ashton grinned.

"I'm taking you to my favourite place." He replied.

Ashton led her down a beaten path through the woods. She clutched his hand. "I feel like you're taking me where no one will ever find my body." She joked. Ashton laughed.

"Relax." He said. After a few more minutes of walking, Ara found herself in a clearing. Willow trees lined the open space, creating a circle like barrier around them. The sun hadn't gone down yet, some light filtered down all around them. Ara smiled.

"It reminds me of the roof from the school." She laughed. "It's beautiful."

"Like you." He smirked. Ara turned around with another laugh.

"That was incredibly cheesy." She said. Ashton laughed too.

"I know. But it's the truth." He added. Ara blushed. Thankfully it was dark enough that he couldn't see.

"Is this another spot the boys don't know about?" She question, reaching out to touch the leaves of one of the willow trees. The branch swayed a bit.

"Yep." Ashton replied. "There's a reason why I brought you here." He said. Ara looked at him.


"Well there's multiple reasons." He said. "One, this is the only place I felt safe growing up. Until I met you." Ara smiles lightly. "Second," Ashton said, stepping towards her. "I wanted you to have a place that you could turn to so that you felt safe too." He grabbed her hand and pulled her into him. "And third. I brought you here so that I could ask your o be my girlfriend." He said with a grin. Ara couldn't help but laugh.

"How can you be so intimidating yet so cute all at once?" She asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"It's a gift." He replied. "Say yes?" He mumbled quietly.

"Yes." Ashton's smiled grew really wide as the word left her lips. He rested his forehead against hers. "Thank you." She whispered.

"For what?"

"Being there for me." She said.

"No problem." He replied.

"I also hate you." She replied.

"What, why?"

"Because I owe Sam ten bucks. She bet that you would ask me out officially tonight."

"Don't make bets you know you'll loose." He muttered into her skin.

"Worth it."

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