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Ara was sound asleep in her bed, dreaming peacefully when a loud crashing sound woke her with a start. She lifted her head tiredly from the pillow. "What in the-" she groaned, propping herself up on her elbows. "Is it too much to ask to be able to sleep in?" She wondered to herself.

Another crash sounded as she stuck her head out of her bedroom door. Her hair stuck up in all places. She rubbed a hand over her face. "Don't go down there Ara. Just go back to bed." There was another loud crash making her jump. "Of for crying out loud!"

Heading into the kitchen, she found Liam standing over the counter, pots all over the place. She heard him huff in frustration, and mumble something horrid under his breath. "Whoa," she breathed. "I see where I get my lack of a filter from.." Liam quickly spun around facing the young teen. He eyed her appearance.

"Why does it look like you went through a hurricane?" He asked.

"Why does it look like the cupboards threw up?" Ara countered, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Fair enough." Liam said. "I don't know how people do it." He sighed.

"Do what?"

"Make a Christmas dinner." He sighed. "I don't know how people do it every single god damn year." Ara laughed.

"That's what the fuss is about? It's about Christmas dinner?"

"Oh hush. I'm not used to having people over for the holidays. Normally I just order a pizza and that's that."

"So why bother?" She asked.

"Because Cat is making me do it. She expects us to sit down and have a Christmas dinner, like a family."

"Why doesn't she make it then?"

"That's what I asked and she said I had to do it. I don't know where the heck to start."

"You do realize Christmas is still three days away, right?"

"Yeah, I know. I just want to get it done and over with."

"Would you like some help?" Ara asked. "Teddy and I would help mum every year."


"Yeah. So speak now or forever hold your peace."


Teddy stumbled into the kitchen tiredly, looking to get something to drink, when he bumped into someone. He looked up and found his sister, covered head to toe in white powder . "Ara? Why are you covered in flour?" He asked.

"I was making sugar cookies!" She exclaimed.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Because Liam has never made a Christmas dinner before. And sugar cookies seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Christmas is three days away," Teddy yawned.

"Yeah, but sugar cookies take two days to make. You have to let the dough chill for twenty-four hours." She explained.

"Oh yeah."

"Morning Teddy," Liam said, appearing in the kitchen. He had his uniform on, and muffled voices echoed from the walkie talkie on his belt. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah," he yawned.

"That's good. Anyways, I'm off to the station. We have a lead on a case. I'll be back later. Don't get into any trouble." He said, seriously.

"Not making any promises!" Ara called.

"Bye!" Teddy said, tiredly.


Ara stepped into her room, towel wrapped tightly around her. Her slightly damp hair clung to the bare skin of her shoulders. After an hour and a half she has successfully washed all the flour out of her hair. And her eyebrows. How she had managed to get flour there was a mystery.

The first thing she noted was the cool breeze that swept through her bedroom, and then noticed her window was wide open. "Odd," she muttered to herself. "I could have sworn it was closed this morning." Clutching the towel around her still, she climbed onto the bed, and shut the window. She climbed off the bed and made her way over to her closet.

A of strong arms snaked around Ara's waist, causing her to jump. She spun around.

"Dammit Ashton!" Ara placed a hand over her chest. "You almost gave me a heart attack." The curly haired boy laughed, pulling her into him.

"Sorry," he murmured, pressing a gently kiss to the base of her throat.

"Why can't you use the door like normal people?" She questioned. "You don't always have to use the window.

"Because I'm one of a kind." He grinned.

"Yes you are. But I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She said, pulling away. Ashton frowned at her.

"Why?" He pouted.

"So I can get dressed." She said. Ashton gave her a once over, only to just realize she wore nothing but the towel around her. His eyes widened.

"Oh." He said, looking a little embarrassed. Ashton's cheeks turned red. Ara laughed.

"Ashton." She said. He looked away. "Go wait in the hall." She said. He nodded and exited the room. "And no peeking!" She called out.

"Dammit!" He called back with a laugh. Ara rolled her eyes, and proceeded to get dressed.

"Alright I'm decent," she said opening the door. "You can come back now." Ashton turned around and opened one. He eyed her. She wore a pair of black sweats and a white crop top. He could see the bottom of her lacy, black bra peaking out from underneath. He smiled.

"You look nice." He said. She laughed, and pulled him inside her room.

"Thanks." She replied. Ashton wrapped his arms around her and leaned in for a kiss. Ara rested her hands on his shoulders, melting into him. Hands trailed up to grip lightly at his hair. He grinned against her lips. Ashton's hands slid down her sides, tickling her. They came to a stop right above her hips. He nudged her nose with his. Ara smiled up at Ashton, staring into his eyes. He leaned in once more, capturing her in another kiss.

"You're being extremely affectionate today." She said, holding him close to her. She rested his head against his chest.

"I can stop." He replied.

"No, it's nice. I like this. Just being able to relax and be with you." She said. Ashton wrapped his arms around her securely, kissing the top of her head. "I like it when you act like this. Show's your soft side."

"I'm still punk though, right?" He teased.

"Of course Goldie Locks." She laughed.

"Oh hush." He said.

"Please, you love my nicknames." She said.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do Curly."


"Yes you do, quit denying it Blondie ."

"Where do you come up with these? When do you come up with these?"

"I will not reveal my secrets, so stop asking me." She grinned. Ara was suddenly drawn into another kiss, this one different from the last ones, catching her slightly off guard. But what really caught her off guard were the words to tumbled from Ashton's lips when he pulled away.

"You're lucky I love you."

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