Chapter 14: Salvetore Boarding house, again

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Damon's POV

As I carried Evelyn back to the boarding house, I could feel her sobbing in my arms. What's funny is that I fell in love with her as soon as I had meet her, then she disappears for what 3 or 4 years?Shes just like Katherine. Now Klaus got furious when his little sister disappeared off the face of the earth. Especially when witches couldn't find her, they kept saying some powerful witches were hiding her away and some shit. I want to kill those fucking witches.
"What's you name?" I heard her ask, her voice sounds so different.
"My name is Damon Salvatore, Remember?" She looked at me then shook her head for a no. What happened to her? I saw the boarding house, so I used my vampire speed to get there. Evelyn screamed when I did this, she started to cry again. When I walked through the door with her bridal style in my arms everyone turned to look at me. Oh yay the whole gang is here especially Barbie Klaus, Elijah and oh look it's the devil himself. Note my sarcasm, it's fucking Klaus.
"Oh hey guys what's up?" I asked then if course the bad ass originals were all around me.
"Why do you have my sister?IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!"
"I will kill you slowly, Damon"
"Klaus calm down, and Rebekah you'll do no such thing. Now hand over my baby sister for I can toucher you"
I saw her look around the room. Then she pushed me away from herself.

Elena's POV

I saw Evelyn push Damon away. She ran towards me, she was about to me when Stefan jumped in front of her. Her eyes sparked up.
"SILAS!!!!" She jumped on to Stefan and was hugging him, I felt a tiny bit jealous at this. I hate being Vampire, it heightens everything. I didn't see it when she let go of him and ran towards me. By the time I saw her, she was hugging me while squealing.
"AMARA!!!!! YOUR WITH THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!!! Wait... where's Qetsiyah?" She looked around the room frantically. Then she saw Bonnie and Caroline. She started to walk towards them. She was right in front of Caroline when.........
Caroline's POV

She kept getting closer to me.... why!?! this is freaking me out! She finally was in front of me when she raised her hand. I saw that she was going to hit me but she stopped just as her hand was about to hit my face. When she drew her hand away she bent down and looked me in the eye. When she looked me in the eye she started to chant a spell or something. I saw Bonnie's face fill with terror when she heard a word come out of Evelyn's mouth.
Out of no where I started to scream because something was hearing me in my head.
"Bonnie make it stop!!!!" I yelled out to my best friend.
"I can't caroline!! It's all her!! I don't know what she's doing!"
Bonnie's POV

Caroline started to vomit up her own blood. I turned around and looked at Evelyn.
"Why are you doing this?" She turned around from what she was doing to Caroline and looked at me.
"She should not exist, she is a monster. Just like them" she pointed at the originals.
"Bonnie what did she say?" I heard Damon ask. That's when I realized she was talking in a different language. That's when I saw Caroline fall over dead.
"NO!!" I yelled, I heard Klaus scream out too. That's when I realized nobody helped Caroline because they were trapped in a spell holding them there. Why wasn't i?
"You weren't trapped because I know you hate Klaus and all vampires for making your mom and friends into monsters"
"Wait how did you know that!??!" Out of the Conner of my eye I saw Caroline's body move.
"Why did her body move!?!" I saw Evelyn look down at Caroline's body.
Then I heard her speak in English.
"Get up lousy human!" I saw Caroline slowly get up.
"What did you do to me?!?" I heard Caroline yell at Evelyn. I saw Evelyn grab a knife and stab Caroline in the stomach with a knife. Blood started to seep through her shirt. When Evelyn pulled out the knife Caroline wasn't healing.
"Hmmm do you like her better human or vampire? Bonnie will you help me choose?" I looked towards Evelyn.
"Stop it!!!! stop hurting her!!!"
"Answer me and I will, I'll return her to a monster or a human again. It's all your choice but there's a flaw to the human side" I liked at Caroline then back to Evelyn.
"Turn her back into a monster, it's not like I care anymore" I watched as Caroline's face turned into that of a monster. Her veins were popping out and her eyes were black. She's a vampire again. I looked towards Evelyn.
"How did you make her Human? Your not a witch, vampires can't do that. What's your real name?"
Evelyn I think looked at me with bewildered eyes.
"My name is Lady Lilith, and simply by a magic you could never posses without help, a force stronger then you. I am not a Witch and I'm not a Vampire, well that's what I think. If I am a vampire then I need to do some research. Bonnie, if you come with me I'll teach you how to do greater spells than that and help you with so much more, just come with me" Was she really offering this to me?
"So will you Bonnie?"
"Bonnie don't! it's a trap!" I heard Caroline and Elena yell.
"I accept your offer Lady Lilith..." She grabbed my hand and before I knew it we were not in the boarding house but in the woods.

Lilith's POV

"Come on Bonnie, why do you look like you've just seen a ghost?" Her eyes wee so big, full of questions.
"Because because....hows that even possible to move and where are we?" hmmm this might be a lot of work.
"Well were in the woods in India, When your with me everything is possible. Do you want to go back to Mystic Falls?"
I saw her expression change and her eyes became thoughtful.
"No I don't want to go back to Mystic Falls. I want you to teach me, ease teach me" I think this will be a lot of fun, so why not?
"I'll teach you Bonnie but you must never ask questions or do not listen to me. You must always obey me and call me Mistress or Milady at all cost. If you can call me neither then call me Lady Lilith. Do you understand?" I saw this small little witch look up at me.
"Yes, I understand Milady"

The Other Mikaelson (TVD Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora