Chapter 10: Dantalion

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Evelyn's POV


Dantalion....... I feel like that lady I saw kissing his in that vison was me but at the same time I don't. How could it be?Their outfits were so much more older then when I was born when I was human, but at the same time everything felt so familiar like I knew him and loved him so much.

"Dantalion, please carry me" My body feels so weak....

"AH!!!!" I started screaming again. Why? What is happening to me!?! It hurts!!!

"Dantalion!!!! Dantalion I order you to make it stop!" I didn't say that why did that come out of my mouth? I felt him move faster.... he looked down at me but his eyes seemed cold and dead but full of life.

"Mistress what do you want me to do?" Why did he call me Mistress? I felt my mouth open again but this time with a scream.

"AH!!!!" When I stopped screaming it was like I knew what I needed to do.

"Dantalion, I order you to break this lock on memories" I don't know why I said it but it seemed like something that I should say. I saw his eyes get hard and cold.

"Is this what you want, Milady?"

Why is he calling me these names?

"Yes, Lord Dantalion. It is what I want, Please let me remember" I feel like I know him and I don't want to lose him. I felt him turn around and walk towards somewhere else.

"Milady, this will hurt for you to remember" His eyes were filled with tears, he was crying over me but why? But his eyes besides the tears were sad, lonely, cold, hard, dead but filled with life. How does that make sense? I fill like I'm in love with him but I don't remember him at all.

"Yes, Dantalion I know it will bring me pain and hurt. Please get it over with"

He started to set me down, that's when I realized he was setting me down In deep water. I was about to scream, but he let go. My body sunk into the water. As soon as I was under the water seemed to cry at me and form a protective bubble or some sort around me, it was all still water but I could breath in it. It doesn't make sense. I saw Dantalion above water chanting something, his eyes the seemed dark like something demonic. My eyes started to feel heavy, I started to close them. I'm not sure what will happen to me but I'm so tired, I'll just go to sleep for a little while.


Dantalion's POV ___________________________

I saw her eyes close, I don't want her to remember but she order me to do this. I have to listen she's my Mistress and Milady. I guess they didn't strip away her Demon side. I can tell it's still there but it's like it's hiding away, last time when she died her own power killed her because she ask it too. I don't know why she did this, I told her I would protect her always. Why did she leave me? I listen to her command but she won't be able to come up out of this lake for a very long time. The only way she can remember is if I restore her to her old self, She's quite funny though, she must have had her powers make them be reborn into that human family. Personally I don't like humans but you learn to cope when your looking for the one you love. I better change her outfit into something nicer and warmer for when she wakes. I won't touch her, because If I do that it can kill her so I'll have to use my powers. I remember how she lived lace and the color white. She always would try white dresses on when we came to this world. She adored the white Lilies and orchids even of they had pink or some color in them. The way she laughed when she saw a swan. She always said that the swan was good and evil like us. That we weren't good but were quite evil even if we didn't try to be. I remember how she said one day she'd die and be kind and loving with no hate. She loved that idea of being good. The day I asked if I could be good with her, her eyes dazzled with happiness. That's when she realized that we couldn't ever be good, because we were and are evil.......

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