Chapter 6: Night Shirt

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Damon's POV


Why does Stefan always take what I want?!? Does he even know her? Maybe he does, I think maybe she's not a Original, just maybe. What if she doesn't really like me? I honestly don't know what I'm doing.

"Evelyn, let's go get you some clothing to sleep in" How does he.....

"Brother, how do you know her name?"

Stefan turned around to link at me.

"I know her name because we meet earlier, she asked if I could lend her my eyesight, I agreed that's why I locked myself in my room for 2 days because I couldn't see" He what?

"So what's your name?" I asked her.

"My name is Evelyn Mikealson" So she is a Original. I grabbed the Dagger out of my pocket.

"Don't think about stabbing me in the heart with that dagger Damon. It won't work, I think"

"Well I guess we will have to wait and see" I was in front of her on just a few milliseconds, then I stabbed it through her chest and into her heart.

"That hurt Damon, your lucky that I'm not like them or you would have died because you shoved the dagger in my heart to make me die till it was pulled out. Bow I think that is enough fun and games. Please help me get ready for bed Damon" I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me and picked her up bridal style. I started to walk up the stairs. I walked down the hallway towards my room. When I got there I set her down on my bed and headed towards my closet. I pulled out a black shirt of mine. I threw the shirt at her, it landed in her lap.

"Put that up Evelyn" She felt on her lap for it, when her hand touched it she picked it up.

"Ummmmm, Damon..... can you help me change? I don't know how to get out of this dress by my self and how to put this clothing on....." Her face turned so bright red, like a red rose.

"Yeah, sure"bI walked over to where she was and slowly turned her around while she was on my bed so I could undo this dress of hers.

"Damon, what is this era like?" how to I respond.... hmmm I know.

"Well it a lot more advanced, there are schools for the blind same with books and much more, now we have music players, airplanes which are flying machines like birds, then we have faster communication, we do this by calling or sending texts" Her face seemed excited. I'm almost done with the dress.

"It sounds amazing and terrifying" I heard her say while I was unbuttoning the bottom skirt. I asked the question that was bothering me.

"How are you interested in thus?"

She just looked towards me and looked like she wanted to shot me for asking a stupid question.

"Well honestly I Don't know"

"Hmmm" I finally got the old fashion dress undone. I helped her slip out if it. After we got the dress off of her we put it away on top of my bed at the end of the corner. I grabbed the Black Shirt and started to help put it in her over her corset.

"Damon, can I sleep her tonight?"

"Where tonight?" I asked her, her eyes looked like they were planning on it

"Ummmm can I sleep with you?"

"I guess but just till we can get your room set up, okay?" I looked at her face to see her facial expressions. They looked happy but frighten of something.

"Damon what's that noise? It's scaring me!" she screamed out, tears started to go down her face, the tears wouldn't stop going down her face.

"I'll go check it out" I was about to leave when her eyes started to get color, but she started to scream.


Hey my little Diamonds!

Okay okay so let's get this straight, so follow the link to see her outfit and other characters outfits, follow the links to see the outfits.

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