The Serena I.....used to know

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"Serena" he shouted loud but didn't get the attention so he ran after her without wasting time. there was negative thoughts spinning in his mind. What if she get lost? or hurt?

when he entered the dark forest, he scanned around the area to see any sign.

"Serena" he shouted again, making an echo in the dark forest. The cold air was crawling up his spine. Sweat dripped from the forehead and scans around again with distraught.

but there wasn't any sound. Until, he heard a faint whimper knowing who it belonged too. Soon he follows the sound by running along until he arrived at the scene.

There, in his sight saw a honey blond girl sitting on a log, crying her eyes out with bare hands on face, covering it. Ash looked on with an apologetically expression, he didn't want to see this Serena, he wanted the Serena he used to know, the kind, happy, joyous, confident and one thing that stood. She never gives up until the end. But this was different from his point of view.

"Serena" he calmly said but she didn't replied back just kept on crying louder.

Ash drags his foot in front of her, standing up and spoke "Serena" he calmly said again.

Finally, The honey blond slowly looked up to see her childhood crush; she wanted to feel happy that he's here to care. But inside, was heartbroken, losing at the contest but Ash could see right through.

Visualizing back, Serena had lost twice performances but this time it's the third. He didn't want to see her lose, all he wanted was make her smile and have fun at the contest. But no, he was now looking at a broken girl who lost her mommy. Serena manages to speak up with a whimper.

"A-Ash" she said with the throat getting heavy like weights piling up, blocking the air.

"Serena, why are you crying" Ash soothingly spoke.

Serena glances up at him then looks down at the ground, hiding the tearful face.

"i-....i lost Ash" she said, a swelling of defeat raising.

"So, there always next time" Ash spoke, wanting to make Serena confident again by trying to encourage. But he was wrong, the next move shocked him in his eyes.

"DON'T YOU GET IT ASH, I LOST, CAN'T YOU GET IT IN YOUR DENSE BRAIN" she shouted, standing up from the log with tears now overflowing down to her cheeks, dripping on the mudded ground. The sound echoed through the forest which all the bird type Pokemon flew away from the trees.

At this. Ash eyes were now widened in shock and surprise. He didn't see this Serena, sure she shouted when she did this to her Pokemon before but not to a person... to him. He always thought she was nice and caring towards him, but this, this was different.

"Serena" Ash mumbled, still in shock.

Serena looks Ash and soon realizes on what's she did. The anger was now shoved away into a scared looking expression. What has she done?.

"oh no, i shouted at my crush" she thought "Now he's going to hate me." But what happened next made her heart skip a beat.

Ash lunges towards Serena with arms wide open and goes for a bear hug which caught Serena surprised with eyes widened and a hot blush formed on the pale cheeks, taken back.

"A-A-Ash" she stuttered, surprisingly.

"Serena, why are you giving up" he whispered in her ear With careness.

"i-I'm not"

"Yes you are" Ash said. Departs by looking into her beautiful eye-catching sapphire eyes. He could see his reflection in them as he spoke. "This isn't the Serena I use to know, the Serena i know is kind, sweet, loving and most of all, never gives up until the end" Ash truthfully commented with a smile from the corner mouth. Looking straight into her eyes without taking off them.

Serena does the same with eyes widened. She didn't know what she was hearing, her crush and lover, Ash Ketchum, saying those words in her ear made her heart thump a million times even body dropped, wanting to hold his warmness.

Serena though he was dense as a rock but no, this was Ash Ketchum, the confident and self-esteem person she met since childhood when he saved in the forest at summer camp, now he is encouraging.

"A-Ash" she stuttered again with a blush race.

Ash smiles and motioned his head "come on let's go, i bet the others are waiting for us"he said, offering his open hand at Serena.

Serena gazes and smiles widely, remembering the time when she first met Ash at summer camp, which is where she had a her first crush. not just any crush.... but love. That same old love that goes around the air.

she gently grabs his hand with no hesitation, as the two connected, holding together as they walk with Serena blushed of his warmness while Ash smiles that he got the real Serena back, the way she used to.

As the two exited from the forest. They saw two blonds waiting near the building until they notice.

"Serena are you alright" the little girl said with dedenne pouched from the bag and Pikachu runs up, climbing up to Ash's shoulders giving a nuzzle on it's trainers z-marks cheeks which he liked it.

"I'm fine Bonnie" Serena replied with a gentle smile and looks at Ash "Thank you Ash"

Ash turns to looks at her "huh" he said, puzzled.

"For helping me back there, i couldn't thank you for your words" when saying the last sentence, a blush formed on pale cheeks, shuffle a little in embarrassment.

Bonnie looks at this and forms a devious smirk.

Ash looked at her and smiles with a wink"no problem Serena" he said.

Soon, The gang now start to walk away from the stadium and moved on to their next city.


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