Libary flowers

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Ash groaned as he stared blankly at the screen of his laptop, wishing that someone would just go ahead and put him out of his own misery.

He was supposed to be doing research paper for his Kanto History Class, but was having trouble finding the sources. One of the disadvantages to being a nineteen year old in college.

Luckily, he wasn't the only one that was miserable. His partner and buddy Pikachu, who was currently sitting on the table that his trainer was sitting at, was trying to catch a nap, but unfortunately for him there were loud whispering, throughout the building that kept him awake. Despite what people might think, libraries were actually not very quiet.

"Don't worry," Ash said reassuringly. "I'll be done soon, and then we can leave."

Pikachu nodded, feeling a little bit better. However, as Ash turn his eyes back to his laptop, he knew that if he didn't find the sources that he needed for his paper soon, he might be sitting in that library forever.

As Ash sat there, continuing to click different icons, his thoughts began to drift towards his long-time crush, Serena .

Ever since everyone had gone to college, Ash hadn't seen that many of his friends except for one girl named Serena, who happened to go to the same college as him. He didn't see her too often but he enjoyed the times that they had together when they ran into each other occasionally.

And throughout all this they had become the best of friends out of all of their friends. You couldn't find two closer people.

Finally, ten minutes later, he found all four of the sources that he needed for his paper. Now, he could leave.

Ash carefully shut his laptop and put it into his backpack. He then stood up, extending out his arm so that Pikachu could climb onto his shoulder like he usually did, and was all set to leave until he noticed a familiar face just a few tables away.

It was a girl with a luxurious honey blond hair that is shortened up to her shoulders. She used to wear a pink hat all of the time, but ever since they had all started college, she had stopped wearing it, similar to how Ash had stopped wearing his cap.

She was sitting in front of her laptop, staring intently at the screen, when her eyes rose up and blue eyes locked with brown. A smile instantly made its way onto her face.

She raised her hand up and started waving it frantically, trying to get him to come over. Ash smiled and immediately obliged.

"I didn't see you come in," Ash said as he sat down in the chair opposite of hers.

"Yeah, I just got here," Serena stated with a drowsy look in her eyes. "I've got a paper that I've got to do for my Language class. How long have you been in here?"
"I'll say, About an hour," Ash answered wearily. "I've been researching sources for a research paper that's due in a bit more than two weeks. I just finished, and Pikachu and I were about to go get lunch."

Pikachu nodded happily with a dazed smile on his face as he thought about a bottle of delicious red ketchup. One could see that the Electric Mouse Pokémon had a bit of drool on the edge of his lip.

"Oh, could you stay here and help me with a few things?" Serena asked with a begging look in her eye.

Ash smirked knowing the reason why she was asking. For some reason, Serena had coincidentally enrolled in three classes that Ash had taken last semester, and this caused them to meet up more often than last semester.
At the beginning of the semester, she had practically begged him to let her use his books from last semester for those classes. Luckily for her, Ash had caved in and let her borrow them.
Then, whenever she was having trouble on an assignment, she would call him up and ask him to come over to her dorm room and tutor her. Ash had made all A's last semester, so he found these tutoring sessions to be easy.

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