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It was late midnight In the city of kanto. There was a big pack of crowdllike fans, photographers and medias who were all waiting patiently at the front gate near the stadium.

After a minute, a door opened and out came a tall raven haired boy wearing blue jacket, grey trousers, red and black sneakers.

He walked down the steps into the large of crowd with Bodyguards ran in front of the raven boy for protection.

The girls were all screaming his name, most were saying 'will you be my boyfriend' or 'will you marry me' but the raven hair boy ignored the compliment from them, so he continued on walking past the fans without saying a word.

The photographers got their camera and started taking pictures of the boy with bright flashes.

Media were getting close to him getting their microphones in their hands, started saying random questions to him. Bodyguard were stopping them from getting close to the boy to give him some space.

"Mr Ketchum since you won the match and defended your title. Who will you battle next" a tall reporter asked

" Mr Ketchum, what are your next plans, which region is your next destination." A young man asked

"Mr Ketchum, is it true that you like Sinnoh champion performer Dawn Berlitz"

All questions were being asked to the raven boy but he just ignored and carried on walking to the limo that has arrived in front of him. He opened the door and went inside.

Cameras were still flashing, media were blabbing while fans continued screaming as the door closes. The limo starts the engine and sped away from the crowd out of sight.

The boy sat down in relief getting away from the gossip, relaxing his head back in the backseat.

"You took your time" a person said

The raven haired looked at the side of the seat and saw a boy same age as him. His hair was messy spiked bright blond hair. He had a black jacket with grey top. On his neck wore a dirty yellow scarf and a necklace around him. He wore black jeans with Nike sneakers.

Next to him was a boy that was little younger than him. His hair was big and straight blond hair, bright green eyes. He wore a Barcelona T-shirt, grey trousers and yellow Nike hypervenoms shoes.

The raven boy smirked at the boy

"haha, long time no see Sonny" he said and lets out a laughs

"Indeed it has Ash" sonny laughed with him.

"So who's that next to you" Ash said pointing at the boy next to sonny.

"This is my lil bro Leo" Sonny replied.

Ash met sonny in kanto, when he visited him in pallet town, they had a quite a battles.

Ash had finished travelling around every region in his hometown Kanto,Johto, Hoeen, sinnoh, Unova, Kalos and Alola. But you may be wondering why there were media and photographers. Well, the reason was that he won every league in the region beating every gym leaders, captains, trainers, elites and champions.

When he was young, he did lose in every region on his first try

But now on his second try he became stronger and better. Even his pokemon have gotten a lot stronger since he left on his journey through every region, No one couldn't match his strength and power.

Ash has travelled around the world competing tournaments and leagues in Paris, London and Tokyo. After some years he became a worldwide superstar. He had everything fame, money and Pokemon that he loves as a family,

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