I lay down this Armor

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It was a cold windy night, clouds were clearing in the dark sky, the streetlight gleamed down the quite streets of Vanville.

We now set at a big house. Inside a dark bedroom room. There was a short honey blond hair girl. Hiding underneath the bed. Her expression looked scared, eyes were terror, her body was shaking lightly feeling the coldness around the room.

Suddenly the front door smashed open, revealing a shadowy tall man, in his hand was a bottle of whisky taking a quick sip and smashed it on the floor with glass scattering around, slowly entering the house. The room was dark, so he switched the light on and entered the living room.

Under the bed, the honey-blond hair girl was really scared, breathing quietly as she was hiding under the bed. However, the drunken man was coming up the stairs with each step creaking it's way up, finally reaching the top and enters the dark room looking around.

"Serena girl. w-where are you, come play with your f-father" the man drunkly said. As he walks around the room with each step slowly thudding the floor.

Under the bed the honey blond Serena was quite, her heart was beating like a drum and a cold sweat slides from her left forehead to the bottom chin.

Soon after, the drunk man went towards the bed quickly grabbing the blanket and flung it across the room.

Serena heart was beating rapidly a shiver went up to her spine, gulping quietly under the bed.

The man turned around facing away from the bed. Serena thought he was leaving. However, the man swiftly crouched down into his knees facing his wide eyes daughter making her spook in fright.

"Hello sere" the man creepily said. crouching down on the floor.

Serena was about to escape but the man quickly grabbed her hand, pulling the girl up and throws her across the room making a hard thud when Serena lands on a laminate floor, and starts walking towards his daughter.

Serena felt pain after the throw. she was just about to get up placing her hand on the knee for support but the man grabbed her hair making Serena feel pain and scared, as she tried mustering to speak.

"p-p-please, f-father, d-dont do this" Serena said, hot tears falling out from her sapphire eyes.

the man laughs "heh, ME!, stop! nonsense. you did this to me!, you made me like this!" he barked to Serena's face, with spit coming out from his mouth as he spoke. there was even the smell of alcohol.

Suddenly, the man swiftly punch really hard to his daughter stomach, deeping it.
Serena eyes widen and gasped for air, then looks at her father pleading to stop. But no and kept on punching again to the stomach as he repeats on and on, constantly.

Serena felt every pain, she wanted it to stop but didn't have the power to do it. she wanted everything to go back to normal, the way it used to be, away from this nightmare! the reason why her father's action was because her mother, Grace, who died from a horrible car accident.

before they were a happy family with no problems, arguments and issues. but that's when the family's life changed upside down. After Grace died Serena's father lost his job and started drinking alcohol. Afterwards, he goes home and starts beating up his daughter. Days went to week, weeks to month, months to years.

The man stopped beating his daughter and lets go of the hair making her drop to ground, hitting the floor hard.

Serena laid down sideways with pain filling in her stomach, clutching it with A little blood came out from the side mouth. Her vision became blurry only seeing a foot from the man while her breathing was getting low, gasping a little air. then her eyes turned black.

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