Chapter 9: Baby Steps

Start from the beginning

"How did you learn to cook so well? These are so good! You should think about opening a restaurant." I exclaimed, after taking a bite of the cheesy, saucy, and spicy enchiladas.

"Thanks. When I was in high school, both of my parents worked, so I often had to make dinner. I like being in the kitchen. It's calming." She explained.

We ate dinner in near silence because I was too busy enjoying these enchiladas and Vanessa wasn't one to make conversation. Once we were done, I gathered up the plates and put them in the sink.

"I'm just going to wash the dishes. Hamilton has got finals this week and he probably won't be up to washing dishes after writing about medical drug distribution." I told her.

"I'll help you. And before you say I can't stand, I can just sit on a tall chair. There should be one in the pantry." She responded, not giving me a chance to argue with her. I groaned and got out the silver, tall chair and placed it next to the sink.

"I'll wash and you can dry," I answered, handing her a dishtowel.

We started a steady rhythm for about 10 minutes, but then the soap ran out. There was a refill behind the dish rack, but Vanessa was sitting in front of the dish rack, so I couldn't reach it. I stood behind Vanessa, my arms almost encircling her shoulders and grasped the dish soap. I was practically hugging her, my face inches away from hers. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I curbed that urge. I went back to washing dishes, not mentioning that little pause.

Once the dishes were done, I carried her back to my room, placing her on the bed.

"I'm going to call Brooklyn and ask her what time she's gonna come over." She told me. I nodded and left the room, heading towards the kitchen to clean the countertops.

-----Vanessa's POV:

I called Brooklyn to not only ask her about when she was coming over but also to discuss Lance. What can I say, I am the less experienced friend when it comes to love.

"Hey. I'll be over in 2 minutes, I'm parking." She answered.

"Okay. And I have news about Lance." I told her.

She squealed and said to wait a few seconds.

A few seconds later, I heard Lance open the door for Brooklyn.

She stormed into the room and was all smiles, carrying a huge tote.

"Should I even ask?" I inquired.

"Spill. Now." She demanded, sitting down in Lance's chair.

So I did. I recounted the whole weight speech. And the dish-washing moment. Once I was done, Brooklyn shrieked, a smile on her face.

"You have totally found your Chase! We can go on double dates and-"

"Brooklyn, be realistic. He's just being nice because A. I'm in his bed. B. I'm currently disabled. C. He feels sorry for me. I'm undateable." I cut her off with a reality check.

---Lance's POV:

I know I shouldn't eavesdrop on people, but I couldn't help it. I stood next to the kitchen counter with a wet cloth, just in case they walked out of the room without my knowledge.

I heard Vanessa recount the whole weight speech and the dish washing moment that she actually remembered. After that, Brooklyn screamed "double dates". Sadly, Vanessa gave Brooklyn the three (untrue) reasons why I was being nice to her. First of all, what does having her in my bed have to do with anything. Secondly, she's currently disabled, but that's not why I'm being nice to her. And lastly, I feel sorry for the pain she's had to go through. SHE'S NOT UNDATEABLE!

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