Your Worth 2/3-Laurie and Val

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It is now a few days after everything happened with Alex and I had been feeling a bit sick and very tired. I tried to hide it in case I was pregnant. I still hadn't told anyone besides Val about what happened. He was so nice about it and everyday he would ask me how I was doing. Even though I was feeling sick, I just kept telling him I was fine.

I realized that I couldn't keep putting this off. I needed to figure out if I was pregnant or not. I was terrified, but I knew there  was no way I could not do it. It was also a perfect time because my parents were back in Jersey working.

I decided to go to the drug store and buy a test. I got a cab and I went. I walked in and quickly grabbed the test. I could see the look the cashier was giving me. Yes I am 16 and yes I might be pregnant and yes I made a mistake.

When I got back to the house I started freaking out. If I was pregnant, how was I supposed to raise a child and support my future? I knew I could finish dancing with the stars because there was only 2 weeks left. How was I gonna tell Val and my parents?

Breathe. I said to myself as I waited for the test to finish. I stood outside the bathroom door and waited. It felt like an eternity. I walked in the bathroom and looked at the test and the test read positive. I went to bed after the test and processed everything that had just happened. I was happy and scared and nervous all at once.


The next day we were in rehearsal and I just couldn't get one of the steps of our foxtrot. Val was calm, but I was freaking out. I had so much on my plate and I was freaking out.

"How am I going to do this?" I said bursting into tears.

"Do what?" Val asked.

"Val, I am p-pregnant," I said crying harder, my sobs were loud and harsh.


I'll kill him that's what I'll do. I'll kill the man who hurt my lil nugget's heart. He took one of the most valuable things from her and now got her pregnant. I am scared for her. She is 16 years old and has barely been able to figure out her own life, let alone another person's life.

But I also know she will be an amazing mom. She is such a kind girl and she is has such a huge heart. I am so proud to call her my little sister.

"Shh, I know I can't tell you how to feel, but you are so lucky. You have the best family who will support you no matter what you do. No matter what you do with this baby, we all love you," I said softly.

"I know you all love me, but it is already so hard and I found out yesterday. I know that I want to keep the baby but how am I going to do it?" Laurie said beginning to calm herself down.

"We got you. And you got this. And their uncle will always be available to babysit," I said smiling and pointing to myself.

"Yeah, he or she will be pretty lucky," Laurie smiled rubbing her stomach. It really touched me how she instantly loved the baby with all her heart. I never believed in love at first sight until I saw Laurie with her baby. You could see in her eyes, behind all of the fear and confusion, her eagerness to be meet her baby.

"How am I gonna tell my parents," she said after a long silence.

"I don't really know but I will be there for you the whole time," I said reassuring her.

"Can we go tell them now?" She asked with fear written on her face.

"Of course nugget," I helped her up and we walked to my car. I had always been protective of my little sister but now I was even more protective knowing that there was a lil, lil nugget in there.



I texted my parents and told them to meet me at one of the many cafes in LA. I was super nervous, but I had Val there with me so I knew it was going to be okay. We arrived and we sat down at a table with them.

"Mom, dad, I need to tell you guys something and I brought Val because he is one of my support systems and my big brother and I need him here. You both know how I have been dating Alex?" They both nodded. 

"Well he made me do 'things' and now I am pregnant." I started crying. Val wrapped his arm around me as I cried. 

"Sweetheart, it's okay we love you and we will help you," my dad said and my mom gave me a look saying the same thing. I didn't know how lucky I was. I have the most supportive parents. Through everything they have been there. 

"Are you sure you aren't mad at me?" I asked hugging them.

"Of course not baby, we know you weren't looking for trouble, but now all we can do is be happy that we get another blessing to our family."

We added Val to our group hug and everything felt right. I had some of my biggest fans with me and even though I was at a low, I knew with them, everything would be okay.


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