Chapter Thirteen

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Within the next week Nimaine received at least four different letters. One from each of the Marauders, each one somewhat better than the last.


So far things are going well in classes, I don't know why you're so keen on making sure I'm doing my work. I'll get it done.

There's a few new Gryffindors, and James and I have decided to give them a warm welcome through pranking them. Is that bad? I don't think it is, but Remus does.

There's this cool new student. Her name is Ara Smith, and she has white hair! Have you ever heard of such a thing, besides about Roxanne? I've told you about her, she always sticks with her brother at my mother's parties.

Sincerely, the coolest Marauder,



Dear Nimaine,

I hope you're doing well. I've been told by Sirius that you tend to get lonely while he's away, so I'll be writing you as well. Hopefully, it'll make you less lonely.

I'm not sure if Sirius has told you, but there are some new Gryffindors. This one girl is kind of interesting. Her name is Ara Smith, and she always keeps half her face covered.

I wonder why. Any ideas?

She might just like her hair that way, so maybe I shouldn't pry so much. I'm a little worried about her, because she seems like the shy type, and Sirius and James are planning to prank her.

I'm not sure what they're planning, but I hope it won't scar her for life.


Remus Lupin.


Hey Nimi,

Sirius said I could call you that. He also said you might get mad, but oh well. I heard that someone's getting a little lonely. Poor Nimaine, all alone. Don't you go to school?

You should try to make some friends other than the Marauders, so that you won't be so lonely all the time. It can get pretty boring waiting for a letter. I should know.

Sirius told you about Lily Evans right? Well, I asked her out... She rejected me. I kind of expected it, but I'll try again. She's sure to say yes one day. I'm sure she's madly in love with me.

She just doesn't know it yet.



Hi Nimaine

Did I spell your name right? I'm always worried that when I write down someone's name, I'll spell it incorrectly. Is it Nimane or Nimaine? I think it's Nimaine, because Sirius always calls you Nimi.

How are you doing? I'm doing well right now, I'm just having a little trouble in potions. The potions for Second Years are much harder than the ones for those in First Year.

Sirius and James are asking me to ask you about prank ideas for the new Gryffindors. Do you have any ideas? I agree with Remus, I don't think they should be doing this, but it's their choice.




Dear Marauders,

If you would like, you can just send all your letters at once. You do not have to tire out all of the owls in the Owlery to send me things. I will be fine, just try to send them on a Wednesday.

As for the pranks, I cannot believe you would aim for new students. You are supposed to be there to help them, not prank them! Remember how you were in your first year, they are probably all terrified out of their wits.

But, personally, I suggest dungbombs and simple jinxes. Sirius, you were telling me about the Leglock jinx, why not use that on someone? Hide behind a suit of armor and use it without them seeing you.

They are first years, go easy on them.

And Sirius, obviously, I am the best Marauder,



Sirius was worried about Remus. The second week of term, he began looking kind of sick. He wasn't sure what was going on, and when he'd ask Remus about it, he would say he was fine. Now that he thought about it, the same thing happened the year before as well.

Remus seemed to walk with Ara a lot, who seemed to have the same symptoms. He personally thought they should go to the hospital wing, but when Remus and Ara were in the Hospital wing on Saturday, he felt horrible.

He didn't mean it literally!

The Brightest Star {Sirius Black}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin