Chapter One

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He didn't know how he got there, all he knew was that he didn't want to go back to that house. So, he ran from the place he grew up. Leaving the trouble behind, he ran to the nearest place he knew. 

A wide river leading to the ocean was his solace. A place he went to whenever this happened. Running out of breath he slowed to a walk, coming upon the river. He stood still, watching the water for a moment before he picked up a rock and threw it into the water with a splash.

He turned around sitting down on the ground, he grabbed a stick and began drawing in the dirt with it. Suddenly, something hard hit the back of his head. He jumped to his feet, turning around to face the river.

Just as he turned he saw something dip below the surface. He squinted his eyes, looking towards the water, hoping to see what it was. He picked up another rock, and tossed it into the water.

He stayed facing the water this time, and suddenly a head popped out of the water. Dark blue eyes met his own silver ones. Brown, wet, hair fell upon her face. Stray strands rested upon her forehead and cheeks.

He only saw her for a few moments before her eyes widened and she dipped back down below the surface in fear. He quickly ran to the surface's edge, wanting to see her again. She poked her head out of the water again. Just enough to see her eyes above the surface.

"I won't hurt you," the boy said. The girl wasn't sure if he was telling the truth, but as she took in the cut on his cheek she rose out of the water. She waded towards the edge of the water, near the boy.

She rose her hand up to his cheek, pulling away quickly when he flinched. She dropped half below the surface again.

"No- sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," the boy spoke again, calmly as though he was scared of frightening her again. She rose out of the water, just enough to show her shoulders. She raised her hand up to his cheek.

The boy watched in amazement as water travelled up her arm towards her hand. Moments later he felt a tingling on his cheek, and when she removed her hand, he replaced it with his own. He felt along his cheek to find the cut that had been there, from his mothers ring, was gone.

"Whoa," the boy started, his excitement showing through. He spotted something gold and blue just below the surface, and it took him a moment to realize it was a tail. A mermaid's tail. "You're a mermaid?"

The girl nodded, lifting her tail out of the water. The light blue was the color of the sea on a stormy day. The gold on the sides of her tail glittered in the sunlight, like Galleons that would blind him if he looked too long. 

He found himself mesmirized by the beauty of her appearance. Surely she was going to drag him to the bottom and drown him? Yet, she had healed his injury, so she couldn't've been that bad.

"It's beautiful," he said, smiling at her. The girl smiled back, clicking her tongue quietly. "Do you have a name?" The girl didn't answer, so he said his own first. "You must be shy. I'm Sirius."

The mermaid looked around for something, spying the stick he had been drawing with. She quickly grabbed it, writing something in the dirt.


"Your name is Ni-mai-ne?" The boy asked, his face showing his confusion. The girl frowned, writing down something else.


"Oh, right I knew that." The boy looked at her. Kalesi made a face of doubt as she splashed him with water playfully. Sirius stood up, calling out. "Hey, watch where you splash!" Nimaine laughed quietly. So, she was able to make sounds, but she couldn't speak?

"Look, I'm actually hiding from my family right now, could you let me stay here for a little bit?" He asked. Nimaine looked about the same age he was. He was currently ten, about to head to his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Nimaine nodded, liking this boy quite a bit. She didn't have any friends, being an outcast in her own mer-community for being an orphan. She tilted her head questioningly, and her message came across quite easily.

Why are you hiding?

So, Sirius launched into details about his parent's expectations, how he didn't want to follow their rules, and about his life at home. It sounded much worse than her own, so, she decided right then and there, while she was writing in the dirt.

Come visit me, and you can talk about whatever you need to. I'm always here.


I know.... Another story? I can't even keep up with the ones I have now! But, I have a lot of this one written out already, and it corresponds with The Other One, my Remus Lupin story, so I figured I might as well!

I hope you enjoyed this!


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