Chapter Seven

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Sirius was back at Hogwarts, leaving Nimaine alone in her river, with her new crown, necklace, and scarf. The scarf helped quite a bit with the cold, bitter wind, blocking her wet hair from reaching her neck, keeping her quite warm.

At times, Nimaine found herself humming the songs from the music shells she had given Sirius, wondering what he was doing, what class he was in at the moment. With nothing else to do, she found herself planning new present ideas, new gifts to give.

Every few weeks, she would get a letter, and she'd send one back. She'd spend time diving in the ocean, finding new shells to engrave when she was bored, or just talking with the fish. They had interesting things to say if you took the time to listen.

It was now February, and with Valentine's Day coming up, Nimaine found herself becoming sad. She couldn't participate in any of the traditions that people did, nor could she participate in the traditions of the mermaids. They didn't want her to.

Come Valentines, she received a letter from Sirius.


Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you're well. I also hope you're using the scarf I gave you, as I don't want it to go to waste. To answer your last letter, my classes are going well. I am taking time to study for my exams, calm down.

You should've seen the look on Filch's face when he found the bathroom full of bubbles! It was such a good idea, thanks for that. James, Remus, Peter, and I were thinking of making a group name, for our pranking geniuses.

What would you suggest?


P.S. The picture is of Professor McGonagall. We've started calling her Minnie, it seems like she hates it, but I think she secretly likes it.

Nimaine smiled at the letter, imagining the Hogwarts caretaker's face at the sight of the bubble bathroom. The boys had been into pranking recently, and Nimaine had supplied plenty of ideas, which Sirius took in stride, suggesting them to the others.

She took the quill and a blank paper, and after dipping the tip of the quill in the ink, she began to write a letter back. She thought for a moment on what she'd like the group to be called. They're quite like otters. Otters like to play pranks on mer-people quite often, she thought.

She quickly began thinking of names that have to do with otters, or at least sounded similar. She soon came across a perfect word, stored in the far of her mind, she began to write it down. She personally enjoyed the name, and thought the boys would too.


Sirius was in the Common Room when a letter landed on his lap, an owl swooping through the open window of the Gryffindor tower. He recognized the handwriting at once, and pushed aside the essay he was supposed to be writing.

"She wrote back?" James asked, putting down his own quill. The others had no clue that Nimaine was a mermaid, only that she was a friend of Sirius's.

"Yeah," Sirius replied, opening the letter. "I wonder if she suggested a name."

Dear Sirius,

And James, Remus, and Peter if you're there.

I am pleased to hear that Filch enjoyed my prank idea. I am glad it could be put to use by such wonderful prankers such as you four. I enjoyed imagining his anger, but I'm sure it couldn't be compared to the real thing.

Are you sure that Professor McGonagall likes to be called Minnie? I think that's a bit disrespectful, and she might think so too. Maybe wait until second year to bring back the nickname. And as for the name for your group...

What do you think about The Marauders?

Better than you in every way,


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