Chapter Nine

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As the winter days ended, with bitter chills and cold wind no longer blowing, Spring was upon Hogwarts. Bringing rain and wetness to the castle, the boys found themselves studying in separate.

Forced to study alone, Remus could often be found in random corridors of the castle, often sitting in window seats, blocked from view by the suits of armor that sat near him.

James could be found in the stands of the Quidditch field, often beneath the seats if it was raining. However, when the ever rare sun was out, he could be found lying atop the seats, the warm sun heating his back as the smell of grass surrounded him.

Peter was found in the accompaniment of older students, tutors, and teachers. Either sitting in empty classrooms with other first years that wanted help from older students, or getting help from teachers.

Sirius, not liking to be alone at times, was always found in the Gryffindor Common Room, or the Great Hall. There was bound to be at least a few others in those places at all times of the day.

Each boy studied late, only moving from their spots when they were told to head back to their dormitories. Even then, they sat in separate spots in the Common Room, or even in their dorm room, deep into the night.

When it seemed to Sirius that he could study no more, he found himself referring back to the answer Nimaine had given them about the name. It's my little secret.

It frustrated him to no end that she hid it, constantly trying to get it out of her in his letters. He was curious, and a curious Sirius Black was often the most annoying out of all his moods.

However, with each letter came a new sense of fun to Nimaine. She enjoyed teasing the boy, never giving him a clear answer, and even through riddles he couldn't figure it out.

With the bitter cold of the winter gone, Nimaine was able to keep the scarf off, hidden away in the box of letters after she had let it dry. She was running out of paper to write back with, she'd have to ask Sirius for some more when he got home for the summer holidays.

March passed and so did April, many pranks executed perfectly. Along with May came exams, studying, and many long days of torture, at least to the students of Hogwarts.

Sirius studied hard, to Nimaine's request, playing the songs she had given him to help him focus. It worked perfectly, and so well that he found himself remembering the littlest details from the school books.

The boys often quizzed each other on subjects, silly questions coming out every now and then. Laughing fests following the questions, before calming down and getting back to the original task.

"What potion causes the drinker to forget things?" James asked, Sirius the center of attention at the moment.

"Obviously that's the Forgetfulness Potion," Sirius argued. "We learned how to make that in the beginning of the year."

"Don't blame the messenger, I'm just here to make sure you didn't forget it," James laughed, his pun making Remus and Sirius laugh along with him. 

"What plant can allow the user to breath underwater?" Sirius asked Remus.

"Gillyweed is a magical plant native to the Mediterranean Sea," Remus began. "And it doesn't allow them to breath underwater like someone would think. It allows them to process oxygen from the water."

"Only you would know that Remus," James joked. Remus shrugged, certain it was going to come up on the Potions exam.

"I wonder if Nimaine could get some Gillyweed. It'd be fun to try it," Sirius muttered. James and Remus looked at him for a moment, confused on what he said.

"What was that?"

It became clear to Sirius, in this moment, that he had spoken aloud.  

"I said I wonder if we could get some Gillyweed. It'd be fun to try it," he lied. The other boys shrugged, apparently content with his answer, leaving Sirius to sigh in relief. 

It wasn't that he didn't want them to know Nimaine was a mermaid, he did. But it was rather that he thought she would want to tell them that herself, by showing her tail to them or something.

Sirius wasn't going to take the chance to see their faces when they saw her away from her. What kind of friend would he be if he didn't allow her that satisfaction?

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