Chapter Ten

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Exams finished, the boys currently sat around in the Common Room, wondering what to do in the time before the final feast of the school year, before heading home. Not deciding on a prank, the four set off towards the Great Hall.

Dinner came around and all students piled into the Great Hall, one after another. The candles floating above their heads illuminating each of their ties, showing their respective houses as they sat down at their respective tables.

Everyone settled down, and up stood Professor Dumbledore, everyone going quiet while waiting for his end-of-the-year speech.

"Once again, another year at Hogwarts comes to a close," he said, the entire hall exploding into applause and cheers, none of them except James noticing that Sirius didn't join in on the festivities. "Yes, I suppose that of itself holds a reason for applause.

"However, before we start the End-Of-The-Year feast, I must say a few things, as always. Your exam results will be sent to your houses a week to three weeks after leaving Hogwarts, please receive them carefully, and do not pester the owls," Dumbledore announced, his voice friendly and clear, yet holding expectation and tiredness, obviously this had happened before.

"Due to an unfortunate series of events," Dumbledore began gloomily, "Professor Wigleaf will not be joining our staff next year, and a new teacher will be replacing her spot as Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. So very upsetting, I bid you good wishes, Professor. Now, without any further interruption, let us eat, so that you may go home and empty your heads of all you've learned this year."


Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter each climbed into their own four-poster beds. Remus and Peter fell asleep almost as soon as their heads hit their pillows. However, James and Sirius stayed awake, talking about things to come.

"I think I'm going to ask out Evans next year," James said quietly, staring at the roof of his bed.

"Tough one though, she seems to hate you," Sirius replied. "Maybe go for Eleanor Kinley, she's pretty nice."

"I don't like Kinley though. No offense to her, but she's not like Evans." Sirius sat up in his bed, leaning against the headboard. James was silent, watching Sirius. "If things get rough at home, you can always come over to my house."

"Thanks James," Sirius smiled. "For now though, I can just talk with Nimi if I need to. If things get really bad, I'll come over."

"Hey, can I meet Nimaine?" James asked. Sirius looked over at his best friend, who was leaning on his arm.

"I don't see why not," Sirius answered. "She might be shy at first, but I'm sure she'd like you."

"She puts up with you, so she should like me."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

The following morning, Sirius woke up in bed, drenched in sweat and shaking. He sat up to find it was barely morning, the sun's light only peaking over the trees. He immediately got up, filling up his trunk with his things.

Slowly, one by one, the other Marauders began getting up, packing away their scarves and their ties. Folding their robes and their uniforms, and Remus, his socks. Away went their banners and their posters, eventually leaving the room they knew and loved empty.

They began making their way down the moving stairs, slowly though, not wanting to go home just yet, as the realization that they wouldn't see each other together for 3 months kicked in. Shuffling into the Great Hall they quickly ate muffins that were laid out in platters, almost reluctantly.

They made their way to the carriages, pulled by what many believe is magic, bringing them upon Hogsmeade. The many shops and the Shrieking Shack, lit up by the sun as it came up over the hill. One by one, the four climbed out of the carriage, each spying their own trunk in the pile near the train.

Climbing onto the train they searched for an empty compartment, to sit in during the long, slow journey home from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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