Chapter Three

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Dear Sirius,

I am happy for you! It is good you are not in Slytherin, I do not think I could stand you if you were. They do not like to be kind to mermaids, and I was afraid you would be the same. However, I have heard that people in Gryffindor like mermaids.

I think it is a very good house for you to be in. You have all the qualities that the Gryffindor's do. Bravery, chivalry, possibly some others, but I forget. You tell me a lot whenever you come around.

Are James and Remus in Gryffindor too? If that is true, I am happy you have friends. Perhaps they could listen to your whining sometimes. Not that I mind listening to you, helps me sleep. You have to tell me more about Gryffindor. What is the Common Room like?

And start sending blank pages, I would like to keep your letters.

Your bestest friend, and the best person in the world,



Dear Nimi,

You couldn't stand me if I was in Slytherin? How cruel, I thought you were my friend. Huh, maybe I did rub off on you some. James and Remus are also in Gryffindor, as well as this boy Peter that follows us around sometimes.

He's not so bad. (Oh my poor Sirius, give it seven or so years.)

The Common Room is great! You climb up the moving staircases to get to the entrance. To get in, you have to tell this portrait of this woman the password, and she'll open to reveal a hole in the wall.

You walk in, and it's so warm! It's so comforting, much better than what my parents told me about Slytherin's common room. There's a fireplace and windowsill seats, I think if you were here, you'd sit in the one that faces the Great Lake.

There's a big couch that we all sit on while James and I copy Remus's homework answers. Maybe I shouldn't've told you that part, you'll probably scold me for not doing my own work. The walls are stone, obviously, but there's bookcases and curtains.

Everything is decorated in red and gold, and it's always so happy here,

Wishing you were here, I don't think bestest is a word,




Obviously bestest is a word. At least, it is to me.

The Common Room sounds amazing, and I wish I could be there with you. I am sure I would like the seat facing the lake, if river and ocean mermaids did not despise lake mermaids. We're quite different.

I may not drag you to the bottom of the water and drown you, but if they get a hold of you, they probably will. Please do not go near them, I do not want to have to fish you out by traveling through pipes to the lake.

Now, about the homework... I will not scold you, but I still think you should try to learn on your own. Who knows, maybe you will like learning? ... Who am I joking to, that'll never happen, but you should still try. Are you at least getting good grades?

For my sake.

Missing your voice, send more ink the owl knocked it into the river,




Last time I'm using that ruddy owl. I can't believe he knocked it into the river, are you alright? The ink can't be good for you. Also, thanks for the warning about the mermaids. James wanted to go look at them, but I think showing him your letter convinced him not to.

You're starting to sound like a mom, asking me about my grades. My grades are fine, nothing too low, but not super super high either. Maybe I could try to do my own homework, but only for ones where I have to answer questions. Essays I get to copy, that is my deal.

I think my favorite class is Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall is strict, but her lessons are kind of cool. I definitely listen more in that class than any other.

The ink is on the owl's back, be careful, and I'll be home for the Christmas Holidays, so you won't have to wait too long to hear my angelic voice.


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