Darren sighed . “Fine , I'll ask them . But you might want to call them too , they all want to talk to you .”

“Okay . It was great to talk to you , I guess . Bye !”

“See you , babes “ He said , before hanging up .

Alex was calling me . I walked to the landing and shouted down ; “What !”

“Come here” He said , “And bring your guitar !”

Curious , I grabbed Steven's guitar and went downstairs . Alex sat in the living room , his own acoustic in his lap .

“Here” He said , tossing me a plastic bag . “That's yours .”

Inside was all the guitar things we'd bought the other day .

“It's been exactly a week since your last lesson” He said , “I think we should get started , don't you ?”

For about an hour , Alex made me play the things we'd gone over before .

“I know it's just scales and boring shit like that , but your fingers need to get used to the strings again “ He'd say , whenever I complained .

After a while , he gave in .

“I guess I'll start teaching you a song now” He said , “Any favourites ?”

I shook my head .”You're the music expert .”

Alex began teaching me the first few notes of a song by All Time Low , called Therapy .

“I've heard this before” I said after a while . “Charles did a cover of it , didn't she ? She played it for me earlier .”

Alex nodded . “Yeah . She's got a great voice , right ?”

I agreed , then turned back to the strings . Plucking them cautiously , Alex smirked .

“You'll do well” He said , “You pick things up easily , and you connect with your instrument .”

I smiled , but at that precise moment I made a wrong note , C instead of C Sharp . Alex laughed .

“Don't worry about stuff like that” He said , “Just keep going .”

We played well into the night , when I got confused Alex would pick up his guitar and show me how it was done . The two of us kept playing until Rian blundered downstairs , and told us to be quiet and go to bed . With slightly more swears .

“Fine , dude , we'll go now” Alex said , laughing . He yawned then , and blinked , as if only noticing now how tired he was . “Come on , Halo .”

The next morning was Monday . I could tell because Jack was lying on top of me , singing it into my ear .

“Time to get up , Hazel , Hazel , It's Monday , and it's time to get up” He sang , to the tune of I Feel Like Dancing . I groaned , and rolled over .

“Go away Jack” I mumbled into my pillow . He simply laughed , and continued .

“Jack , shut up !” I yelled . He whimpered a little , before climbing off of me .

“Sorry , Hazel” Jack said , “Alex sent me up , he said you had to get out of bed because the cameramen are here .”

“Oh , okay” I yawned , “Sorry for shouting at you .”

“It's cool” Jack said , shrugging it off and beaming at me .

I took a quick shower , then got dressed . Downstairs , everyone else waited for me , along with five cameramen who were leaning over their instruments , adjusting them to the light and dynamic of the room .

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