A Means to an End

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Maybelle's POV

I never thought myself to be a hero. I never wanted to hurt anyone. I just want to be with Wilfred. Why can't I do that?

My back hurts, and the ground is cold beneath my skin. All I can do is stare up at the ceiling contemplating everything I've done. The more I think, the more I feel like I'm in a dream, a horrible, sick dream. Markus fills my thoughts more than anyone, but by this point I think my grieving has just turned to self-harm.

Geffrey hasn't returned, and I can only hope my pack believed him. Then again if they did, that also means I may have commanded them to walk to their deaths. I heave a great sigh, my tired eyes closing for a brief moment.

I don't want to think anymore, I just end up going in circles. Luckily, my thoughts are interrupted as the door to my cell opens. Filled with a sense of dread, I force myself to sit up and squint at the intruder.

A shaggy pokes its way in, and for the first time in a while, I smile. "Puck." I breathe, my own voice sounding foreign in my ears. Puck returns my greeting with a small smile of his own, moving to fill the doorway.

He motions with his head to get up. "I think you'll want to see this." He says, ushering a feeling of curiosity as I get to my feet.

"What do you mean?" I ask, my feet wobbling slightly as I take uneven steps towards Puck.

He reaches out to steady me, his hands holding my gently enough to show his want to help rather than hurt. Once balanced once more, Puck crosses his arms and look over his shoulder as if at a person or thing in the distance. "The pack wolves are moving, I think you 'plan' worked." Puck looks back at me with an unreadable expression. "Connor ordered me to stay back and kill you if the pack wolves made it this far." He says nonchalantly.

I can't help but flinch at his words, though, I don't know what else I could've expected. Lowering my head slightly, I pick at my fingernails distractedly. "Um, you're not going to kill me, right?" I mutter, glancing up at Puck through my messy hair.

To my surprise, Puck actually chuckles before turning his back to me and walking away. "Come on already, Rose. We're late to the fight." He mumbles, not bothering to look back as he makes his way down the decrepit hallway.

For a moment I'm too shocked to move, but I snap out of it quickly enough and scurry after Puck as he leads me out of the old pack house. Puck quietly shifts, throwing me a look to tell me to follow lead, which I hastily do. Once fully shifted, Puck takes off in a run, me hot on his heels. Part of me is still reeling at the thought of my plan actually playing out the way that I thought, but another part is just scared. What it this doesn't work? How many lives will be lost because of me? Will Wilfred be one of them? Will Matthew? Will Beck?

Thought makes my blood run cold and I'm suddenly very apprehensive about confronting Connor. Then again, I'm past the point of no return. If I don't try, there's no way that war will be avoided and everything I've gone through will have been in vain.

On that alone, I pick up my pace. After all, my pack needs me.

Puck and I move quickly, and soon enough, the rough scent of rogues and warriors fills my nose. They swirl and meld, creating a thick blanket of stench that I'm sure would drive off any sane wolf.

Fortunately, I'm past sane, and all the scent does is drive me forward until the thick brush of the forest can no longer conceal the two pack that face each other. I feel relief swell in my chest at the sight of my pack, but it's short lived as I know that now isn't the time for a heartfelt reunion.

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