It's Not Fair...

147 11 1

Maybelle's POV

School suck. It sucks ass. So much of the ass, in fact, that you'd think it'd be tired by now, but no. It's not tired, it just keeps on sucking.

Nothing can friggen fix the suckiness and I don't imagine anything will ever make it better. Too pessimistic for you? Hi, my names Rose, I don't do the glass half full thing. Nope, everything is just awful.

My point is only further proven as Ms. Perry glares down at my completely innocent figure. My brain desperately tries to ignore her, but eventually I give in. Pulling a headphone out of one of my ears, I look up at her like I had just noticed her presence. It's just as well, it's not like I had Panic at the Disco to listen to or anything. *cough cough sarcasm cough cough*

"Morning Ms. Perry." I grit, an extremely forced smile on my face.

She sighs, like I'm the problem here, and hands me back a test paper. Furrowing my brow, I cautiously take the paper from her hand and look it over. It doesn't take long before I feel my breath get caught in my throat and I abruptly stand. "I failed?" I announce in confusion. "How the hell did I fail?" I growl, ignoring Ms. Perry's clear distaste in my choice of words. She doesn't answer immediately and I take the opportunity to look over my answers. Shaking my head, I let my mouth fall open. "I got all of these right!" I shout. Part of my mind is trying to bring myself back to my 'good girl' act, but a larger part is extremely pissed.

As I further examine my paper, I see that the majority of the answers marked with ink are right. I'd bet my fucking life on it. Ms. Perry sighs as if the answer is obvious. Catching on that I didn't think so, she points to my paper. "Yes, but you didn't show any work." She explains.

I narrow my eyes. "But I got the answers right." I repeat.

"But you had no work." Her body shifts to the side a bit and she crosses her arms over her chest.

My jaw drops even further, my eyes desperately searching my classmates' faces. They all cringe and try to avoid my pleading gaze. "That was never specified." I laugh, pointing to the directions on the paper with an anything but amused glare.

Ms. Perry rudely sighs, pushing her glasses up on her face. "It was implied." She hisses and I scoff.

"Bullshit!" I spit. "You can't expect a student to magically know what stupid expectations you have!"

"Ms. Smith—"

I cut her off by raising a hand. "No, this is where I draw the line! I've taken you're shit for long enough. This is just down right unfair!" Words that I've been dying to say finally tumble from my lips. I crumple the test in my hand. "You can't do this!"

Ms. Perry's eyes narrow, and she points to the door. "Go to the principal's office! Right now!" She screams making me laugh.

"Gladly!" Turning away from queen bitch, I march out of the room and down the hallway opposite to the direction of the principal's office. I know I'll probably have to pay the price for disobeying Ms. Perry, but that's a future me problem. Besides, I have enough connections to get out of whatever trouble I'm thrown into.

In my fit of rage, I punch one of the lockers to my right, effectively rendering it mangled. I make a mental note to apologize to whoever's locker it is later, but everyone knows a werewolf's strength is not something to take lightly.

My breathing comes out ragged, and my wolf fights my very being to be released. Desperately trying to keep from shifting in the halls, I hurry off to an alcove above the stairwell that's basically hidden from view. After bashing the wall a few times, with a fraction of my strength this time, I slid down the wall and curl into myself.

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