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Its been a week. A week Mettaton feels torture and guilt drowning him. A week Alphys feels shame for what Mettaton has done and feels tragedy in the air. There is no saying as to what (y/n) feels. She is locked in a crystalline bubble on the couch of Alphys' lab. She is stuck. She doesn't know how to undo the crystal guard around her.
She hasn't eaten, not one sip of her (favorite drink) or a bite of (favorite food). No using the bathroom. She is so scared she can't even in the bubble, creating a horrendously painful cramps to fuck up her body. And slowly, without (Y/n) noticing, her powers will be her downfall.
(y/n) screams everyday in pain. She doesn't care about Mettaton killing those monsters, she is still bathed in their blood. It's beginning to become too much.
Mettaton can't handle his love in so much pain. He's tried everything. Smashing it, cracking it, popping it, even got out the chainsaw to crack that damn bubble around (y/n).
Alphys can't do anything but find plans that eventually fail. But one thing is for sure that the girl is being killed by lack of oxygen.
"Y/n" Mettaton whispered to her," I'm so sorry. I'm sososo sorry" He cried, mascara running. He looked awful too. Not being properly hygienic for a robot. No changing any errors found in the weeks that (y/n) has been trapped in, no charging just taking shots of energy runners, and his metallic form is not glistening with its daily cleaning. Being apart took so much on the two lovers. It began infuriating Mettaton.
" I'm sorry I failed protecting you! I only wanted you to feel loved but now you're only hurting!" He screams, banging his arms so furiously on the bubble, making (y/n) watch in awe.
He might be able to break me out!
(Y/n) thought, smiling softly. Her smile catches Mettaton's attention. He became enraged, banging against the bubble.
"You deserve more! You're dying, don't you understand? I'm going to save you!"
And with one might blow he cracks the bubble, air rushing in too quickly.  The wretched smell escapes out, making Alphys and Mettaton cover their noses. With a sudden change of breathing, (y/n)s body can't handle the new difference of atmosphere and she passes out. Mettaton continued on with ripping off the pieces of broken crystals while protecting his sense of smell, gather her up, grabbing Alphys and went to any room of Alphys' with medical equipment for the poor girls body.

My love for a killer robot (MettatonXReader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz