Is this goodbye?

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(Y/n) pov

     I just was about to be kissed by a good looking robot... but we only just met!!! And what the hell!! My beautiful secret place is all ruined! I'm going to murder whoever did this!(No your not becuz' this is Pacifist😊).
     I was faced down in snow, letting it numb my body as I had to soak in what just happened. I brought myself to bring my head up and couldn't believe what I saw!
Undyne, Frisk, and a short little dinosaur looking person were the ones responsible for the explosion. I got up and ran with full power, embracing Frisk in a deadly tight hug, forgetting all about what happened moments ago.
  I brought my head to Frisks ear and whispered on how much I missed them so much. They brought their face to look at me and I noticed tears running. I brought my hand up and rubbed away Frisks fragile tears and they motioned with their little arms they wanted to be lifted. Letting the affection be allowed, I let them jump on the front of me, and Frisk wrapped both arms and legs, saying they'll never let go. I grinned a genuine smile of happiness and kissed their forehead. They started to sway abit, rubbing their eyelids showing how tired they clearly were.
    " You can sleep if you need, I'll protect you, sweetie" I quietly spoke. Taking it as an invitation to finally rest, Frisk leaned their head against my chest and closed their eyes, and with a little bit of staring, I noticed a little Mona Lisa smile upon their face.
      I brought my head up to look at the three monsters that were gawking at me with awe, but with amazement and I sortta started feeling uncomfortable.
   " What's wrong guys? Did I do something wrong? And hey, have we met?" I asked apprehensive. I just want there to be no tension in the air but it can be felt so thickly. I start feeling something run down my fingers, an icy liquid but I can't look what it is with Frisk in my arms. It seems that what they've been looking at all along has been my hands that's been dripping with liquid.
     " Hmmm H-Hi I'm A-Alphus. Nice to m-meet you (y/n)! I h-helped you d-defeat M-Mettaton!! By the w-way, do you h-have a-any idea w-where he is?" She said as she walked nervously towards me, with Undyne looking closely at me like she was jealous.
    Shoot!!! Mettaton!!! I forgot he was here!!!
" Hold on Alphus! I'll go find him... Umm I just want to thank you so much for protecting Frisk. I wouldn't know how to live with myself if I knew they were gone..." I said to Alphus and with one arm, gave her a hug which she gladly returned back. I started to hear a weird noise and it started to worry me. I looked up from our hug and saw Mettaton get up from the snow, looking abit gloomy until we connected eyes. He smiled brightly his gorgeous smile  and started to run over to me. Wait uhhh well... Why did I think that?!?! He pulled me into a gentle hug, carefully to not squish Frisk. Then he looked over to Alphus and Undyne.
    " Why on earth would you blow up her house!!! Have you gone absolutely mad?!?" Mettaton scolded to Alphus, but I can see she was scared. I cupped Mettatons face and brought it to look at me. I shook my head and mouthed to him it's okay and he instantly started to relax abit and snuggled on to my side.
    " Anyway, do you want to go to where we left off before all this crazy fiasco happened?" I asked, wanting to continue our journey to break the barrier. I know Frisk is determined to and I care too much for their wants so I need to do start where I left off.
" s-sure and (y/n), I-I'm so sorry a-about the d-damage!" She said and I can sense her anxiety. I walked away from Mettatons warm snuggle and walked to Alphus. I kneeled down to her height, careful not to drop frisk and looked into Alphus' eyes.
" I understand you did it to find both Mettaton and I. You did it for the purpose of helping and you didn't hurt anyone. You're okay, I'm okay, their okay. Okay?" I said lowly to Alphus. She began to tear up. I embraced her with one side that I'm not carrying Frisk with. She whispered back okay. I released and got back up to my normal height.
" Okay guys, then let's go!" I said enthusiastically. With my happy outbreak, Mettaton, Alphus, and Undyne grinned and we all left back to Hotlands.

••Time Between Walk••

As we walked our long walk back to Hotlands, I got to learn more about Alphus and Undyne as they talked and asked me questions. I noticed Mettaton was quite and walked farther behind us with a frown. Almost done with our walk back, I stopped walking until Mettaton could reach me as he walked.
" Yo Metta, are you okay? You look abit down. Is everything okay?" I asked looking at him. I was still carrying Frisk and petted their hair, knowing they like that. He looked down to see my action to Frisk and looked back up to meet my eyes.
" When we go back to where we left, is everything going to be as it was before? You without me darling? " His question shocked me. I stopped walking but I could see the Lab.
" I- I don't know Mettaton... Why do you ask? Do... Do you want me to stay...?" I asked, nervous at what his answer is going to be.
    " I want you to stay.. stay here with us! You can see Alphus, Papy, Undyne!! Me..."
He started to inch his face closer as he said this with our lips about to touch once again. I- I'm not sure about my feelings!!! What do I do!!! We just met!! Keep it cool (y/n)!!! Don't freak out!!
    " I gotta go Mettaton. It was a pleasure to meet you! " I said quickly and hugged his side and ran into into the lab.
   As I reach the door, I looked back at him. He's completely frozen with shock. I feel guilty but I can't have ties to me when I need to finish my first priority first.
    I must keep going. I looked back infront of me and continued my journey... even if I just said goodbye in one of the worst ways possible to a good friend...

or would he have been more if I stuck around?


I'm sorry for the lack of updates but hopefully this chapter is pretty good but I promise the story just started to begin😉 -whtdouwnt

My love for a killer robot (MettatonXReader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant