{Doctor's Visit} X Medic

Start from the beginning

You sighed, defeated. He lightly smirked, trying to hide it, but knowing he got you. There was no way you could get out of this, sooner or later you'd have to do it anyway. He started to tap his foot impatiently, however, his smirk faltering the more you lingered hesitantly.

"Fine. Let's get it over with." You broke the silence.

"She speaks!" You glared at his snide smile, puffing your pink cheeks out in anger.

He rolled his eyes and started to walk into the infirmary. You followed behind, dragging your feet.

"Now, I need jou to sit right here vhile I go get mein papers for jou." He motioned distractedly to the examination table before turning and walking away, and you sat down sidesaddle on it, your legs hanging off the edge.

You sat there for awhile, dangling your feet in boredom. Your eyes drifted through the room, from the red stained glass windows that you were pretty sure weren't supposed to be stained glass, to the dove hoard cooing and looking at you with their beady eyes from above. One of them, Archimedes, or at least that's what you thought the Medic had called him, was covered in blood. It would be adorable, but his fur looked crusty and his eyes looked crazy. You wondered if Medic ever actually had time outside of the battles to care for his doves, and started getting worried.

Then your mind wandered to the Medic. Why was he always so serious around you? He always acted professional and reserved with you, but around the others, he loosens up more. Is there a reason he's so uptight?

You pushed the thoughts to the back of your mind before you could think about him more, as he was emerging from the depths of the dark lab, a clipboard in hand, stocked with papers.

"Jour documentation ist sehr alt... Vhen ist zhe last time jou remember getting a check-up?" He questioned, glancing up from his clipboard.

You shrugged. Sighing, he pinched his nose, taking his glasses off.

"What?" You asked.

"Zhat means ve haff to run some.. tests. Und I haff papervork to do, zo I'd like it if jou cooperate vith me here."

You nervously nodded, pink dusting your checks. What kind of tests? Hopefully nothing childish, like the- ah, crap.

Medic pulled out a squeaky hammer and sighed.

"Ok, lift jour leg vhen jou feel it, Fraülein."

He tapped your leg, and you hesitated. He looked up at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Vhat, did jou break jour leg?" You shook your head no, heat rushing to your face. "I know zhis is awkward, but I need jou to cooperate."

He noticed your face and stood up.

"Are jou sick? Jou don't look zo vell.." he pressed his cold gloved hand to your forehead and left it there for a second. Your face grew redder by the second, and the Medics face grew concerned. He pondered a moment, before curling his lips into a smirk and lifting his hand from your forehead.

"Do jou feel sick, (y/n)? Is zhere somezhing zhe matter?" He cocked his head, and you turned yours away.

"Nothing... Nothing is wrong, doc.." You wanted to crawl into a corner and hide, you were so embarrassed.

"Ah, but somezhing is zhe matter. I guess I'll just haff to run more tests since jou von't cooperate vell." Your eyes widened a bit. More tests?

He pulled some gloves out of a nearby glove box, and slipped them onto his hands, smacking the rubber with satisfaction. He turned to you, and pulled up a swirly chair, pushing it so it was at a tall setting. He sat on it, and took off his glasses. He held his glasses in his teeth as he pushed his hands against your neck, feeling around your jawline and down to your collarbones. Your face grew redder still, if even possible.

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