The silence between best friends and the happiness of the bully

Start from the beginning

Shawn's POV

After school, I left for home without bothering to inform Jasmeet about this. It still surprised me that she dared to show her face after the incident; it showed her pride or her foolishness. Enzo's behaviour also bothered me more than expected. I really hoped that I would not loose my best friend over this issue. I know that Nathalie's act was not good and that this time she went too far. I hated Jasmeet's guts but I was not that cruel that I wanted people to suffer so much. The moment she had coffee all over her, I felt somehow bad for her.

I shrugged this feeling off and continued with my classes. History was boring, until the Indian girl entered the classroom. She changed in some clean clothes and had her hair up in a bun. She said a muffled excuse to Mrs. Mendes who eyed her with her hawk-like eyes and told her to sit down. No punishment for coming late, this showed her immunity and I was very angry. I shared a glance with Enzo who just indicated that we should talk later on. "Did my best friend attempt to try to bring peace between us?" I thought to myself. However, this was not the case, since he went to Jasmeet thinking that I was not watching him. It was clear to me that their presences affected them more than they confessed. I screamed loudly: "Enzo!" and hid immediately. I peaked and saw that my best friend hurried away with a curse. I knew that my words intimidated him; which gave me a slight hint of satisfaction. This made me chuckle in content and I walked calmly and content to my car as the school day was over.

The afternoon, evening passed away like usual, my sister, and I talked about her school and her latest projects for her fashion class in which she enrolled. It was overall a pleasant evening and I slept immediately once I slipped beneath the covers of my bed.

The next day started with my alarm clock ringing and waking me from the nice dream I had.  A groan escaped my lips and I rolled over to continue sleeping as one look at the clock indicated me that it was not time yet to get ready. Suddenly my door was wide open and my sister was coming in.
She screamed in a happy mood: "Wake up! Its time for school!" She was already dressed, this girl really made me crazy sometimes. I took my pillow and covered my head with it. "No, no, you will not sleep. It is time for school!" she screeched in my ear and pulling my blanket off. This reminded me that I really hated my sister sometimes. She was from time to time a real pain in the butt. As I had no other choice, I stood grumpily and moved slowly to my walk in closet; one time she poured a bucket of ice cold water over me when I refused to get up. Since this incident I never dared to get up late.

Her chirpiness in the morning really got on my last nerve. I was truly not a morning person. I decided to wear a jeans and a black shirt, which showed the muscles I developed over time. It was evident that I was a fitness lover; I did so much to keep in shape and to be able to show off in front of girls. It also helped to release some anger I had towards my parents and towards other people. I love doing sports as it calmed me down and I loved to make something with my friends, like playing soccer. I did not want to become a professional but I wanted to continue

As soon as I reached school, I heard a new rumor buzzing around; it seemed that Aryan and Jasmeet had a fight and were not on speaking terms. This made me laugh and chuckle; finally, she was alone. She was always with Aryan and it seemed that they never had an argument and their friendship was deep-rooted. Their friendship seemed like nothing could ever come between them. It surprised me that they were not dating, as they were so close. Enzo and Mason joined me at the entrance of the high school and I greeted both of them with a typical man-hug.

"Did you hear the latest gossip? Apparently Jasmeet and Aryan are not on speaking terms!" told us Mason. Mason was the one in our group who was the biggest bully. It was a mistake to treat him badly, he would for sure make your life a living hell. I was nothing compared to him. I was not sure why we were friends but since he was on the soccer team, it semed good to be friends with him and not to get on his bad side. One could say that we had not a deep friendship like Enzo and I did. We just hang out from time to time. 

His words confirmed themselves when they arrived in separate cars and did not walk up the building together. This did not happen even a single time before. They were like attached to the hip. Today, they did not spared a second glance at each other. They tried to avoid each other. What caused this fight? I really wanted to know this, as something pretty big must have happened for the two friends to fight. Moreover, I could use it to my advantage to make Jasmeet's life even more dreadful.


so what do you think now? do you think that Jasmeet and Aryan will not talk to each other for along time? Or do you think that their fight will resolve quickly? And I hate Shawn for making new plans to make her life a living hell or what do you think ? He is really sometimes a bad person but maybe he will change...

Let me know in the comments section what do you think about this chapter.


Sarah He.

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