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I wrote the past so you would know what happened or may catch up to it...


"Zane! Get back here! I'm talking to you young man!" The tutor screamed across the room. Apparently Zane is home-schooled and his brothers were at school. Zane felt boring in life. He never hope for anything.

Zane walked in his room and shut the door,plopped down on the bed with his arm on his eye. His left eye is blinded. He is adopted really... Zane got abused by his father every single day. His father would hit him till any part of his flesh would bleed.

Not until his father got arrested for child abuse and he was sent for adoption. Rarely Zane would smile. That was what Garroth,Vlyad,Zianna and Garte hope that he would. Zane is an introvert. Not an emo. Yes,he wore black clothes and rarely talk but he is not emo!

Zane was thinking about something when the door flung open. "Zane! I know you're bored of home schooling, I asked mommy and daddy that you could join us for school and they agreed! The principal there was alright and you could come tomorrow!" Garroth chipped. Zane groaned as he turn over and now sitting on the bed side.

"I guess that would be interesting..." Zane said. Garroth push his fist up in the air and cheering. "Zane is going to school with us!!" Zane smiled under his masked but that was a mildly smile.

Then a wave of thought rush through his mind. What if he could not make friends? What if they would not let him make friends? All the negativity are now on his mind. As Garroth close Zane's door,Zane hugged himself having the anxiety he always knew...

Zane hugged himself and he was now a human ball,rocking back and forth. Those 'what ifs' are now filled in his mind. He was about to scream but he didn't,he tried his best to not think of the negativity but to no avail.

Zane started to softly sing himself to sleep. That's a one way to calm him down. Soon,his eyelid became heavy and he shut his eye,going to sleep.

The next day disastrous. Garroth woke Zane up and it was a very early morning. Zane hates people waking him up early. Zane groaned as he walked to the bathroom and do what he need to do.(Sorry,I'm lazy to write those things and that is privacy for them hehe...)

"Zu~Zu~? Are you ready for school today?" Zianna asked. There was no reply from Zane. "I guess you're not used to us yet... Well,it's fine!" Zane went over to the counter and got the toast. He quickly finish the toast but it was only half of the toast. He has eating-disorder since his dad is poor but kept drinking... (Hmm... I wonder how he got those beer huh?)

After breakfast Garroth,Vlyad and Zane went to school. Zane had different schedule from Garroth and Vlyad except for just 2 or 3. "Hey Garroth!" A certain raven haired girl with a red-orange eyes waving at him. Garroth quickly waved back.

She walked over and smiled. "So... I see someone's new. Glad to introduce me to him?" She whispered in Garroth's ear. His eyes suddenly shine brightly and introduced Zane as his brother. Tho they aren't related. She nodded and reached out her hands. "I'm Aphmau nice to meet you Zane!"

Zane hesitated. Not only he doesn't know her,she scared him. Zane slowly reached out to shake Aphmau's hand but quickly remove. Aphmau was confused so she asked what happened. There was no reply but only the scared male looking down.

"His.. Dad... Abused him... So his afraid of people,including us. We've been trying to talk to him. I mean our parents,Vlyad and me. But he didn't say anything unless me and Vlyad are alone." Garroth explained. Aphmau nodded,understanding the situation very quickly.

Then the school  rung. "Zane! What lesson you have now?" Aphmau quickly asked. "M-m-music!" Zane squeaked. Aphmau squeal and quickly drag him to the class. "We had the same lesson for first period!" She jumped up and down.

The teacher walked in the class and saw a pale looking boy who she assume is Zane. She quickly gesture Zane to come over here. Zane obviously hesitated but he walked over. She introduced Zane to the whole class and asked Zane to say something about himself.

But there were only silence in the class. Zane hesitated yet again. "I-I-I'm Z-Z-Zane!" He stuttered. Everyone laughed except Aphmau and a white haired boy. The teacher let him sit down to his seat. His seat is next to Aph's. "You okay Zane?" Aph aasked Zane nodded slowly but surely.

Sitting next to him was Travis. A white haired boy with an emerald green eyes. The teacher said they could do anything and yes of cause they started screaming and talking to one another. Aphmau was talking to that white haired boy and Zane was sitting next to the window side.

Suddenly,someone screamed,"EMO!!!" Everyone soon after followed laughing at Zane. The jet black haired male rolled his eye. The visible one. Aph quickly run over to Zane. The white haired male follow suit.

"You okay Zane?" She asked concern. Zane kept quiet. Throughout the whole day,at least a person would scream Emo or Freak at him. Zane wished he had not agreed to this. This is just the beginning.

The bell rung yet again and he is left alone in the huge hallway. While he was walking to the cafeteria,Zane heard footsteps running over to him. "Zane!" Travis shouted out to him. He stopped and turn around. There stood the white hair boy. "Oh.. I.. uhm... I'm Travis!" He said.

"I'm-" "Yeah I know." He was cut by Travis. "Why is your-" "Oh,my hair? It's natural!" He chirped. Zane 'ooed' and continue walking to the cafeteria followed by Travis. They reached the now full cafeteria. Zane grunted. He always hates crowd. Just then,there was a certain blonde waving at Zane.

It was his brother,Garroth. Zane walked to the now crowded table and squeezed in between Vlyad and Garroth. Aphmau awed and everyone laughed. Being the smallest ain't that good. Zane hated attention. And this is attention.

"I was planning of a sleepover,you guys wanna come? Including you Zane." Aphmau asked. "You're mum allow?" The brown haired boy asked. "I hope so.." Aphmau muttered.

This looks like a story... Well,I don't care... There will be more soon. I hope. Haha.


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