Chapter 6

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Its bright outside. And Zane is stirring,waking up. Blaze had already woke up and is now making breakfast?! (Well hell yeah!!) "Ngh... Where's Blaze?" Zane said drowsily. (?) "I'm at the kitchen dude!" He replied back by shouting across the room. Zane nodded and walked to the closet to find clothes that might fit him.

Just when Zane's changing,the door swung open. There stood a freshly red tomato. Blaze! "Uh... I'm so sorry..." Blaze apologized. Zane shook his head. "Its fine." He laughed. But it was a little awkward. That's when it appears more awkward. Zane's ears and tail appeared. "Whoa!" Blaze shouted,shocked.

"Ahaha..." Zane laughed awkwardly. Then Zane quickly wear the shirt and a pair of pants. The clothes are too big. Is Zane really that smol?!

Blaze blushed harder,looking at Zane.  "Yeah?" Zane asked,tilting his head. Blaze shook his head and quickly change the subject by showing him to the kitchen. "Here,you will eat!" He said excitedly. Zane laughed at what Blaze had just commented.

He looked at the table,a plate filled with bacon,egg and pancakes. "This looks delicious!" Zane praised Blaze as he licked his mouth. Blaze eyes shimmer,tail wagging vigorously when Zane praised him. "Have a taste!" Blaze told Zane. Zane nodded and feasted on the food. "Yuuuuummm!!" Zane groaned in satisfaction. Blaze grinned ear to ear as he saw how satisfied Zane was.

"I wanna play a game with you Zane. Could I?" Blaze pleaded Zane after he had placed the plates on the sink. Zane turned around,curious. "Sure, why not?" He replied. Blaze cheered as Zane agrees to play his little "game".
Super short one coz why not. I owned the book! XD
Stay tune for more! And thanks for the support for reading this book hahaha.
Bye now!

Words: 307

I'll be waiting (Zanvis) (Discontinued?)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ