Beware the wolves Part 25

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Chapter 25

"There are too many of us to sleep comfortably in this room," Sansia complained.

"Some can sleep in the other labs next door," Raydon suggested.

"I'll stay in here with you," Teresa Taitt said immediately.

Raydon smiled gently and patted her on the shoulder. Sansia couldn't help noticing how the two acted almost like mother and son instead of boss and secretary.

"I would expect nothing different," Raydon said. "Of course Sansia will stay in here as well."

"I think we should allow everyone to make up their own minds," Belle Senior said.

"I...I think I will stay in here," Sansia said hurriedly.

"Of course," Belle Senior said politely.

" I'm with Raydon," Robert said.

"We can't all stay in here, I'll go next door," Belle Senior offered.

"Um...maybe I'll stay in here with Raydon too," Belle Junior said.

Belle Senior grunted.

"I'll go next door with Belle Senior," George offered.

"I already said I was sleeping next to Raydon," AnneMarie pointed out.

"That space is sort of taken," Raydon pointed out.

"I'm staying with Mr. Payne," William said.

Sansia glared at him. She really wanted to forgive the older man for leaving Raydon outside and risking his life but she was having such a hard time doing so.

"Maybe you should stay in the other room," Raydon suggested as if sensing Sansia's resistance to having the man stay in the same room she was in.

"What...what if that wolf breaks in? How are we going to protect ourselves? I've seen what you can do, you can protect us. I don't want to be in room with people who can't protect me," William said speaking quickly and breathing heavily at the same time.

"The wolves can stay in the next room to protect us," Belle Senior suggested.

"That would have to be their choice," Raydon pointed out.

"They can't talk," Belle Senior said smiling. "They do what we tell them."

"He can talk to them," Robert cut in and Raydon glared at him.

Belle Senior's eyes narrowed.

"Really?" Belle Senior questioned.

Raydon shrugged without answering.

"If you take the four wolves you've made friends with along with you that should offer some protection," Sansia suggested.

The four wolves immediately encircled Belle Senior.

"So no one else is coming with us? It's still going to be a little tight in here with twelve bodies compared to seven in the next room," Belle Senior pointed out.

"There's another lab, we could split out into that," Robert suggested.

"Three rooms, makes sense," David said.

"Maybe we could put the girls in the room furthest in and the guys can fill the two rooms closest to the door," George suggested.

"Where-ever I am; is where Sansia sleeps," Raydon practically growled.

Sansia glanced up prepared to protest but his face was set like flint and she knew that arguing was going to get her nowhere.

"I was just saying..." George tried to explain.

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