A New Member Part 12

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A new member

"We're lucky we found a crow bar to get us out of that room," Sansia said. "Unfortunately it means we can't lock the door anymore for security."

The she-wolf was trotting along comfortably behind them.

"Well,one good thing has come out of this."

"We've learnt the wolves can be tamed?"

"No,we know Tony Belle has keys to the doors in this place."

"I guess being president he would."

"I just hadn't realized he had them with him. I'll get them off of him as soon as we get back."

"You think he's going back to the lab? I don't think he'll want to face us after what he did."

Raydon looked thoughtful.

"He probably doesn't think he will have to face us. He probably thinks we're dead," Raydon explained.

"Well I hope he likes surprises," Sansia responded.

"You go in first, then I'll follow with the wolf," Raydon said. "If they see us first then they'll know she's safe."

Sansia nodded.

"Let's just hope that's the way they see things."

Sansia pushed open the door slowly and stepped inside. Surprised faces stared back at her.

"We thought you were dead," Robert offered. "Mr. Belle Junior said..."

"I can imagined what Belle Junior said," Raydon growled.

"The wolf!" Belle Junior screamed being the first to notice the she-wolf behind them. "It's going to kill us."

"We need weapons," Robert yelled grabbing the baton from his belt.

"Easy,"Raydon ordered as the she-wolf growled and stepped back slowly.

"She'snot going to hurt us," Sansia found herself saying. When did she become an expert on wolves? "She's just as afraid of us as we are of her." She had definitely heard that statement somewhere.

Belle Snr. grabbed the baton from Robert's hand.

"You'll only spook her. Just relax," he said.

"We should kill it," Belle junior said nervously.

"We should kill you," Raydon growled.

"Let's all relax," Sansia put in looking particularly at Raydon.

Raydon grunted but didn't say anything.

The she-wolf stepped into the room her head down but ears pricked into the air alert.

"It's okay girl," Belle senior said. "We won't hurt you."

"It's a pity she can't give us the same assurance," Belle jnr responded.

"You left us for dead," Raydon said through lips that hardly seemed to move.

"I told you we needed to get out of there and you refused. I wasn't going to let you get me killed," Belle junior explained. " I think we need to leave this place dad, it's not safe, we would be safer at your mansion. There are walls and guards and a panic room."

Raydon grunted with disgust.

"Maybe we can all go," George Griffith suggested. "Sit this whole thing out in safety until the authorities find some answers."

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