A heroic error Part 20

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Chapter 20

"Let's not imagine all the problems we can't deal with right now," Raydon suggested. "Right now we just need to grab some workable guns and get out of this place before we get more company."

"He's got some pretty good radio equipment here," David pointed out.

"Transmitter and receiver," the owner put in. "Great range, that's how I've been getting a lot of my updates."

"There are still a lot of people out there?" Sansia asked. She couldn't help wondering if somehow Anara had escaped – it was foolish really.

"I get reports from some truckers that were on the road when this went down. Most of them are just trying to make it back home to their families. Then there are some who were at home on their radios. The reports are the same all over, wolves roaming all over the place and slowly but surely gathering themselves into packs. I think the real horror is only just begun," the owner explained.

There was a few seconds of silence before Raydon said, "Grab whatever can be useful and let's get out of here."

Everyone started scurrying about collecting guns, ammunition, radios, batteries and bags.

"This way," the owner said hurrying towards the back of the shop. "My van is in the car park out back. It's at the edge of the car park, red and green and marked 'Home Secure'. It shouldn't be hard to spot."

"What's your name?" Raydon asked.

"William," the owner responded. "William Cartwright."

"Well let's go William," Sansia said.

William glanced back at the store that had been his home for the past few days and tears filled his eyes. Since his wife's death the store was all he had, now he had to leave it.

"Things will get back to normal, I'm sure the military are organizing a strategy to take back our streets even now," Sansia said gently.

William nodded sadly.

"We're lucky we're in Washington, they said this is the first state they were going to sweep in an effort to get rid of the wolves. You know the protection of the President is paramount."

"The Government is still alive and functioning?" David asked. "There's hope then. Once our structures are in place no group of wild animals can survive for too long."

"First of all, they are not wild animals," Raydon pointed out. "They were people just like you...us. They retain most of their memories and abilities to strategise, the only thing missing is that they don't have thumbs – but their claws more than makes up for that."

"Are you saying there is no hope?" AnneMarie asked her voice trembling.

"No, I'm just saying that if we choose to see these wolves as the enemy we could have a battle on our hands that no one can win."

"We just need to find their weakness," David said. "They must have one."

"Right now our weakness is darkness and if we stay here talking all the time we will end up facing them at our weakest point," Sansia cut in.

"She's right," Raydon said. "Let's go."

William inhaled a deep breath and released it slowly as he turned the key in the back door.

"Maybe...maybe you should go first," William suggested looking directly at Raydon.

"What aren't you telling us?" Raydon demanded.

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