More Wolves Part 17

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More Wolves

Chapter 17


"That was just freaky," Annemarie said.

"Is it dead?" Robert asked.

"Of course it's dead, did you see how the others ripped away at its' neck?" Annemarie demanded.

"We need to get out of here," Dave put in.

"Let's go back to the office," Annemarie said.

"We haven't gotten the supplies we came for," Raydon pointed out.

"How did you do that?" Robert asked.

"Let's just get the supplies," Sansia said.

"You held that creature's mouth open with your bare hands," Robert said.

"Don't be silly," Annemarie muttered.

"He did, I saw it," Robert insisted.

"We really want to be discussing this out in the open?" Raydon questioned.

Robert shook his head as if he was trying to knock away the fuzz.

"Of course, we need to get the supplies," Robert said.

"What about them?" Annemarie asked glancing a few paces away to where the two wolves had dragged the she-wolf's body.

"They come with us," Raydon said.

"I don't know if this picking up of strays is a good idea." Dave muttered.

"It's their choice," Raydon replied.

"They aren't hurting us," Sansia pointed out. "They must have been people before."

"They aren't people now," Annemarie pointed out.

"They're with us, you either accept it or go your own way," Raydon responded.

Dave and Annemarie went silent.

"We need to make our supply stop, we can't afford to let night catch us out here," Robert put in.

"Guns," Annemarie said. "We need guns and ammunition."

"There's a gun store just about ten blocks from here," Robert supplied.

"Lead the way then," Raydon suggested stepping back to allow Robert to pass.

"Sure boss." Roberts slipped past and hurried forward.

"More wolves," Robert said drawing back after walking a few blocks.

"How many?" Raydon questioned making his way to the front of the group again his hand gripping Sansia's wrist and pulling her along with him. She didn't struggle.

"Four," Robert whispered.

"Soft fluffy kind?" Sansia asked.

"No," Raydon replied.

"We need to cross this street to get to the weapons store," Robert pointed out.

"I can wait here until you guys get back," Annemarie suggested.

"We're safer in a pack. Besides, if something goes wrong we might have to take another way home and you'd be left out here on your own," Raydon explained.

Annemarie swallowed hard; the last thing she wanted was to be left on these streets alone.

"So how do we get across there without being ripped apart?" Dave asked.

"We could make a run for it," Robert suggested.

"But we would need a diversion," Raydon said. "Wolves are fast."

"I'm pretty fast," Dave said hesitantly.

"I'll be the diversion. I'll take Mark and Ren with me," Raydon volunteered.

"Who the hell are Mark and Ren?" Annmarie demanded.

"The wolves," Sansia responded and then shrugged. "They kind of look like a Mark and Ren right?"

"Now we're naming these monsters," Annmarie muttered.

Raydon growled softly.

"There are four wolves out there, what if they catch up with you?" Sansia asked. "I don't much like the idea."

"It's that or we pitch tent and live here," Raydon responded.

"Well let's find a tent then," Sansia shot back.

"So not the time for you two to be at it," Annemarie pointed out. "Those creatures are patrolling the street."

"Look after her Robert," Raydon said and without waiting for any further argument he took off with the two wolves at his heels. Sansia tried to follow but Robert's arm snagged about her waist and held her in place. She was not going to get away from him this time.

"He's really fast," Annemarie muttered a hint of admiration in her voice.

"He has to be better than fast, he has to outrun Mark and Ren," David said.

"We should stop him," Sansia said her voice breathless and anxious.

"The wolves have taken the bait, we need to start running now," Robert cut in gripping Sansia's hand and making good on his word.

"The wolves are stopping," Annemarie screamed.

"I guess we look easier to gobble up," David managed to get out between gasps for air.

"Wouldn't you chase us if you had to choose between fighting for a meal between us and those three?" Annmarie asked.

"Stop talking and run," Robert yelled.

"They're coming after us," Sansia couldn't help the sense of relief in her voice. What was the matter with her?

"Run, run, run!" Robert screamed.

The store seemed miles away suddenly, could it only have been one street they needed to cross to get there?

"We won't make it," Annemarie shouted already starting to fall behind the group.

Sansia gripped her hand and tugged her along. She wasn't sure if she was doing it for Annemarie's sake or to prevent Raydon from seeing the need to risk his life again to save the woman.

"It's locked!" Robert yelled slamming his hand against the door.

"Someone's inside," David put in peering through the glass.

"Open the door, open the door!" Annemarie screamed.

There was no response.

"Please help us," Sansia begged.

The four wolves were racing back towards them at full speed and Sansia's eyes widened as she noted that Raydon was racing after them. He was moving so quickly the two wolves behind him seemed to be having trouble keeping up.

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