Just another day at the office Part 1

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"Yum, yum," Anara whispered into Sansia Beacon's ear as Raydon Payne walked into LabA3 Level 2.  "I'd skip lunch and dive into him any day."

"Stop that," Sansia whispered back fidgeting with the glasses on her face.  "He might hear you."

Raydon spared a quick glance in the direction of the two junior science assistants and then strolled across the room to where Dr. John Murphy Senior Science Department Manager was standing issuing instructions and trying to look important.

"Monsuilles is coming in today and I need to give them an update on the product," Raydon said.  "What's the status?"

It was difficult to wrap one's mind around the fact that the hard, strong, no nonsense voice was emanating from a man that looked as if he was the grand prize winner of the 'hot male models contest', Sansia thought.  Everything about Raydon Payne was deceptive; his youthful appearance begged the question if he was even old enough to work and Sansia found herself wondering whether or not he had even started to shave; yet as vice president of Sales and Marketing he was among the top ten most important men at Gofrey Chemicals Inc.  He was lean, just over six foot five, tan, had jet black hair and piercing grey eyes- and as Anara had said, was just over one hundred and about eighty five pounds of 'yum yum', if only he had the personality to go with those looks.  The man, boy, whatever, was definitely an enigma.

Sansia watched Dr. John Murphy shuffle from one foot to the next while seeking to respond to Raydon's comment, unfortunately his voice was not nearly as forceful or loud and Sansia had to strain to hear his response.

"Picked up anything good?"  Anara teased.

"That's my project," Sansia pointed out.  "We were told we would have at least another two weeks before Monsuilles would come for an update."

"Get with the program Sansia," Anara said dryly.  "You have no project.  We're the plebs, the projects are always the brainchild of the aristocracy – exhibit A."  Anara nudged her head in the general direction of John Murphy.  "I bet right now he's telling baby-face Raydon how he's been working late nights to get it completed on time."

Sansia inhaled a deep breath and released it slowly; she slipped the glasses from her face momentarily and then replaced them.  She stole a quick glance over at the two men, willing Raydon Payne not to look in her direction.

"That's so not fair, it's my brainchild and I'm the one that's been working late nights on it and I'm not about to allow any two bit glorified salesman to make me have to rush a project that could change the world as we know it," Sansia said defiantly.  The truth was Raydon looked like any but a two bit glorified salesman, he was such a picture of perfection with his tailor made pin striped three piece suit that hugged his body just close enough to hint that what was under it was much more attractive than what was on the outside. Not one strand of hair was out of place and in spite of the loud voice he always seemed immaculately in control.

"Yep, Murphy's probably saying that too," Anara said.  "Minus the attitude of course."

"Dr. Sansia," Dr. Murphy called from across the room.  "A moment please."

"That's code for 'I don't have a clue what the hell I'm talking about and it's beginning to look obvious so I need the real brains behind this operation to bail me out'," Anara said in a rushed voice.

"Well I'm going to give the two of them a piece of my mind," Sansia said bravely.

"Yeah...right, just make sure you get that bit back before you start work," Anara called after her and Sansia cringed.

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