Swiss Cheese Part 2

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Chapter 2

“Six thirty already,” Dr. Murphy muttered glancing down at his watch and frowning.  “I promised my wife I’d pick up something for dinner.  Can you manage on your own for the next few hours?”  The last bit was directed at Sansia.

“Like you weren’t doing the project on your own for the past ten months anyway,” Anara grumbled.

“I’ll be fine,” Sansia said tilting the glasses higher onto her nose and then peeping up to make brief eye contact with Dr. Murphy.  “There isn’t much more anyone can help me with now.”

“I wouldn’t dream of leaving you alone tonight, I’ll check back in as soon as I have my family settled.  You know how family can be.”

Sansia shrugged, she didn’t really know how family could be because she had never really had a family of her own.  Her parents had died when she was just eight years old and she had been moving from one foster family to the next most of her life.  Her quiet disposition and diminutive size made her an easy target for bullies and the child care department always had to be shifting her to a new location for her own protection.

“Well, I’ll see you later then,” Sansia said and Dr. Murphy headed out of the door whistling a cheerful tune.

“And that’s the last you will see of him until tomorrow morning,” Anara predicted dryly.

“Doesn’t matter, he wasn’t helping anyway.”

“Well I’ve finished reviewing the files and everything looks logical to me,” Anara said getting to her feet and stretching.  “Do you need help with anything else?”

“No, I was serious, all I need to do now is reproduce the batch based on my last notes now they’ve been reviewed and update the notes on the subject and pull together the presentation notes for Mr. Payne.”

“So I can go,” Anara said happily.  “That means I might still get a chance to see the moon tonight.”

“Didn’t they say something about not going outside tonight if it can be avoided?”  Sansia asked.  “Wasn’t it something about some of the dust particles potentially getting into the earth’s atmosphere?”

“It’s so crazy, this meteor could pass as close as point five lunar distance from the earth, that’s the closest any meteor that size has ever passed.  You think I’m going to miss that?”

“Well wear shades or something,” Sansia said.

“At night?  I’d look like a freak.”

“Well just be careful.”

“Careful is my middle name.”

“No, carefree is your middle name and your first name and your last name.”

“Ha ha.”

“Just don’t do anything stupid; you’re the only real friend I’ve got.”

“I won’t.”  Anara slipped off her lab coat and slipped into her street coat.  “I feel like a monster leaving you here.”

“I’ll be fine,” Sansia said.

“Okay, if you insist.”  Hurrying towards the door.  “But call me if you need anything.”


Sansia grinned as Anara hurried out of the door and disappeared down the corridor.  At least she had the soothing music of the radio to keep her company.

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