3 - Phenylethylamine

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Sherlock and John perform a study in the form of a staring contest designed to make you fall in love. But does it actually work? Set after season 4 but without Mary/Rosie.

WARNINGS: Slight mention of war wounds, subtle talk of suicide, but mostly just a whole lotta eye contact ^-^

Also this fic wasn't based off the image but it fits really well and that makes me way too happy


They were sitting in a cab returning back to Baker Street after a successful day of solving cases Scotland Yard had left unsolved, unable to cope with the pressure when Sherlock had disappeared for 2 years. Everything was good, great even, and John couldn't wait to just get home and have a cup of tea by the fire. Sherlock for once wasn't staring out the window, instead watching John with a blank look on his face. John assumed he was being deduced, although he wasn't sure what Sherlock could exactly be looking for when they spent every hour of every day together anyway. John had quit his job at the doctors surgery and soon after left his girlfriend Mary when he realised having a normal life with Sherlock around just couldn't happen. Besides it wasn't like they needed the money, it just seemed to 'appear' in the bank account they shared once a month anyway.

Since Sherlock had come back things were different between them, they just seemed to appreciate each other a lot more. Even Sherlock, who usually didn't care about sentimental acts or kind words, had been a lot nicer towards him and made it his job to make sure John was always okay. It was strange hearing Sherlock ask if he'd eaten lunch that day or if they needed more milk, but it didn't mean he didn't appreciate it any less. They had even become physically closer, resting their legs on each others laps in the evenings or absentmindedly brushing shoulders when walking past. Today at the office they had been standing so close that their hands had brushed, something John had awkwardly noticed but realised it didn't bother him at all. It wasn't like they hadn't help hands before, although being dragged across London in handcuffs as a runaway 'hostage' wasn't exactly how many people envisioned the situation. Sherlock hadn't seemed to notice at all, too busy listening to Lestrades briefing before excitedly taking the folder away from him and blabbering on about the circumference of Mr Bakers garden table affecting how many times his son was slammed onto it.

John could still feel sherlocks gaze burning into the side of his head and turned to meet his eyes, thinking if he caught him staring he'd look away. But he didn't. John found himself stuck in an involuntary staring match in which neither intended to loose, determined to beat Sherlock instead of the other way around for once. His bright blue eyes bore into his, seeing things no one else saw and somehow appearing like he was reading johns every thought just by looking at him. John raised his eyebrows and Sherlock smirked slightly, still refusing to look away and instead shifting so he was ever so slightly closer. John didn't really understand what was happening or why he'd allowed Sherlock to trap him with his eyes in the first place, but there was no way he was going to look away when he had sherlocks undivided attention. It made him feel special when he knew Sherlock was only thinking about him, as if being able to capture the great mind of Sherlock Holmes was a prize worth boasting about, so he enjoyed the moment while it lasted.

It didn't last for long though because he heard a loud cough from the drivers seat and realised they were stopped in front of 221B and the taxi driver was watching them expectantly, an amused expression on his face. John begrudgingly looked away and smiled awkwardly at the cabbie, handing over a tenner before climbing out the cab. Sherlock followed and stood beside him as the taxi drove away, looking down at him with a smug smile. They never spoke about their little competitions but they were both aware of their existence, and for once John decided to address the look of victory on his best friends face instead of pretending it wasn't there.

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