4 - City of Stars

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Sherlock and John take a random trip to the cinema, and Sherlock seems to enjoy it more than he let on. Inspired by above image :)

WARNINGS: Few spoilers for La La Land but otherwise just a fluffy fic


There were no urgent cases that had to be solved and no experiments Sherlock could come up with that would amuse him, so John suggested they go and watch a film at the cinema.

It was a simple thing really, but Sherlock had blown it out of proportion and set about figuring out the best single seat in the entire cinema and how much they'd be allowed to drink so they didn't have to leave half way through. He wanted to pick a cinema that was near to Scotland Yard so if a case appeared they could leave quickly, but he also wanted a cinema far enough away that they wouldn't hear police cars every 5 minutes. John just sat watching him, feeling half annoyed and half amused by his boyfriends odd behavior. It was 7:00pm by the time Sherlock was done fussing they had already missed the showing of fantastic beasts, a film John had been dying to see since it came out, and collateral beauty, which had been recommended by Molly as it made her cry. But no, they'd missed both viewings.

John huffed as they walked into the overpriced London cinema, looking at the list of films appearing on a the blue screen and trying to pick a replacement. One caught his eye as it was displayed on a giant poster within the cinema, obviously being a popular choice right now.

"La la land." John stated, knowing Sherlock could hear him. He looked over to see the detectives face screwed up in disgust, giving him a glare that spoke are-you-kidding-me. John smiled and took Sherlocks hand, dragging him over to the giant poster situated on the wall.

"Look, it's meant to be a romance, and we haven't been on a proper date in ages." John said, trying to convince Sherlock to let him see it. The film looked wonderful and had 5 star ratings all round, even Sherlock could appreciate that.

"I wasn't aware that this was a date otherwise I would have booked something in advance." Sherlock stated,

"Okay, will you go on a date with me?" John asked.

"What if I say no?" Sherlock quipped, squeezing johns hand.

"Then I'll go and watch it by myself and you can stay out here bored."

"But it's a musical John. With dancing and singing and unrealistic plot devices." Sherlock argued, pouting softly.

"You like music, you play the violin." John reasoned.

"That's a perfectly sound observation there but I listen to classical pieces made by musical geniuses, not cheesy songs written by overpaid industries."

"Please bear, it's almost Valentine's Day and I would love nothing more than to watch a film with my wonderful boyfriend." John replied, stepping closer to Sherlock to nudge him slightly. Sherlock narrowed his eyes at him, catching onto his trick.

"Are you seriously trying to guilt trip me into watching a film with you?"

"Is it working?" John asked hopefully.

"I'll go and buy the tickets." Sherlock said with a roll of his eyes, but he was smiling down at John too. The older man gave him a peck on the cheek in thanks and went to buy some popcorn for them to share, (or for him to eat and Sherlock to refuse, but either way worked.)

"Premium seats just because I love nothing more than to treat my wonderful boyfriend." Sherlock suddenly said behind him, sarcastically quoting his words from earlier. John jumped and almost launched the popcorn at the girl behind the till, but managed to keep himself composed.

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